Article 200 of the Indian Constitution is an essential provision that forms part of the legislative process in India. This article deals with the power of the Governor to withhold assent to Bills passed by the State Legislature. In this article, we will discuss the meaning, scope, and significance of Article 200.

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Meaning of Article 200 of Indian Constitution
Article 200 provides that the Governor of a State shall have the power to withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the State Legislature. The Governor can do so by either giving his assent or by withholding his assent. If the Governor decides to withhold his assent, he shall return the Bill to the Legislature for reconsideration.
Scope of Article 200 of Indian Constitution
The scope of Article 200 is limited to Bills passed by the State Legislature. It does not apply to Bills passed by the Parliament. The Governor’s power to withhold assent is not an absolute power. It is subject to the Constitution of India and the principles of democratic governance. The Governor cannot use this power arbitrarily or capriciously. The Governor must have good reasons to withhold his assent to a Bill.
Significance of Article 200
Article 200 is significant because it provides a check on the legislative power of the State Legislature. It ensures that the Bills passed by the State Legislature are in accordance with the Constitution of India and the principles of democratic governance. The Governor’s power to withhold assent acts as a safeguard against the arbitrary exercise of power by the Legislature.
Moreover, Article 200 also promotes transparency and accountability in the legislative process. If the Governor withholds his assent, the Legislature has to reconsider the Bill and address the Governor’s concerns. This process ensures that the Legislature takes into account the views of the Governor and the public before passing a Bill.
In conclusion, Article 200 is an important provision of the Indian Constitution that provides a check on the legislative power of the State Legislature. It ensures that Bills passed by the Legislature are in accordance with the Constitution of India and the principles of democratic governance. The power of the Governor to withhold assent promotes transparency and accountability in the legislative process. It acts as a safeguard against the arbitrary exercise of power by the Legislature.
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