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BPSC Bihar Teacher Exam 2023 PDF Notes

Dear candidates of BPSC Bihar Teacher Exam 2023, you need to cover a large syllabus of BPSC Teacher Recruitment Exam 2023. We have brought a comprehensive compilation of questions in one liner format suitable for the exam.

BPSC Bihar Teacher Exam

Here are some of the questions from the eBook on BPSC Bihar Teacher Exam 2023. 

  • On the bank of which river, Hyderabad is located? – Musi River
  • Which article provides power to the election commission to conduct elections in India? – Article 324
  • Which article authorises Parliament to change the boundary of the States? – Article 3
  • When the fundamental duties of citizens were added in the Constitution? – 1976
  • What was the total strength of the Constituent Assembly? – 389
  • In India, separation of judiciary from executive is enjoined by which provision of the constitution? – Directive Principle of State Policy
  • Who is the largest producer of Almond in the world? – USA
  • Who is the largest producer of banana in the world? – India
  • Who is the largest producer of Apples in the world? – China
  • How many times has the President declared a National Emergency? – three times
  • If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation- Vice President
  • What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India? – There is no maximum age limit.
  • In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution? – Three
  • In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency? – never
  • To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life is enshrined in- Article 48 A
  • How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post? – as many times as he wants.
  • Within what time frame, all the ordinances issued by the president (during the recess of the Parliament) must be approved by the Parliament? – within- six weeks after its reassembly
  • Who elects the Vice President of India? – Members of Parliament (both elected and nominated)
  • What is the maximum possible strength of the Rajya Sabha? – 250
  • How many members are there in Rajya Sabha? – 245
  • Who decides on any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India? – Supreme Court
  • From where the parliamentary system of the Government of India has been adopted? – British Constitution
  • Which Parliamentary Committee scrutinizes the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India? – Public Accounts Committee
  • To Whom the PAC submits its annual report? – President
  • Who is selected as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Indian Parliament? – Leader of the opposition party
  • Who is currently heading the Public Accounts Committee? – Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
  • How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the president? – 12
  • Who has the authority for suspension and revocation of suspension in the Rajya Sabha? – Rajya Sabha itself
  • Who has the power to suspend a member of the house for disruption in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
  • Who cannot nullify the suspension of members in Lok Sabha? – Lok Sabha itself
  • What is the strength of the Public Accounts Committee? – 22 members.
  • What is the tenure of the members of Rajya Sabha? – six years
  • Which is the competent body which sets the conditions for obtaining citizenship – Parliament
  • Who has the power to create All India Services –Rajya Sabha (by two third majority)
  • How many members from Lok Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 15
  • To whom the Parliamentary Affairs Committee submits its reports? – President
  • Who appoints the chairman of Public Accounts Committee? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
  • What is the current strength of Rajya Sabha? – 245
  • To whom the Cabinet is collectively responsible? – Lok Sabha
  • The bill sent to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament has to be passed – by a simple majority of the members present.
  • How many members from Rajya Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 7
  • Who is regarded as the head of the state in India? – President
  • The candidate contesting the election for the post of vice president of India must be eligible for being a member of which house of Parliament? – Rajya Sabha
  • What is the strength of estimate committee? – 30
  • Who is the largest committee of the parliament? – Estimate committee
  • Who forms the parliamentary committee? – President
  • Who authorizes the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India? – Parliament
  • What happens if vote on account is not passed by the Lok Sabha? – Government Resigns
  • Who passes the vote on account? – Lok Sabha
  • In which house the ‘no confidence motion’ can be moved in which house? – Lok Sabha
  • To whom the parliamentary committee report? – Speaker
  • Who is the chairman of Business Advisory Committee, the Rules Committee and the General Purpose Committee in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
  • What is the minimum duration between two no confidence motions? – Six months
  • The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired from which Constitution? – Erstwhile USSR
  • Which article has the provision of separation of the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State? – Article 50
  • Following the French practice, who was elected as the ‘temporary’ President of the Constituent Assembly? – Sachchidanand Sinha
  • Who was elected as President of the Assembly respectively? – Rajendra Prasad
  • Who cannot be impeached? – Governor
  • How many members are nominated by Governor from the Anglo Indian Community to Vidhan Sabha? – one
  • Who was elected as Vice-President of the Constituent Assembly? – H C Mukherjee
  • Who was appointed as the Constitutional advisor to the Assembly- Sir B N Rau
  • Under which part the fundamental duties have been mentioned? – Part IVA
  • What is the name of the committed that was appointed to review the anti-defection law? – Dinesh Goswami Committee
  • Which article declares that all laws that are inconsistent with or in derogation of any of the fundamental rights shall be void- Article 13
  • Who moved the objective resolution? – Pandit Nehru
  • CAG retires at what age? – 65 years
  • What is the tenure of CAG? – 06 years
  • Who was the chairman of Union Powers Committee? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
  • What was the subject matter of Malimath Committee? – Criminal Justice System in India
  • Which Article of the constitution says that the state shall endeavor to adopt a uniform civil code- Article 44
  • The provision for Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour is contained in – Article 23
  • Which is the largest Committee of the Parliament? – The Estimate Committee
  • Article 371-A makes special provisions for which state? – Nagaland
  • What is the name of the committee that recommended the establishment of the Committee on Public Undertakings? – Krishna Menon Committee
  • Who was the chairman of Union Constitution Committee? –Jawahar Lala Nehru
  • What is the strength of the Committee on Public Undertakings? – 22
  • What were the three key words that were added in the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional amendment act, 1976? – Socialist, Secular, and Integrity
  • Provisions of Fundamental Rights have been borrowed from which country? – USA
  • When was the Constituent Assembly for undivided India first met? – 9th December, 1946
  • Who moves the public bill? – Minster
  • Which article of the constitution defines the money bill? – Article 110
  • Directive Principles of State Policy has been derived from which constitution? – Irish Constitutions
  • Who was the chairman of Provincial Constitution Committee? – Sardar Patel
  • Who was the chairman of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC)? – N. Venkatachaliah
  • The resolution to form new All India Services must be passed by Rajya Sabha by which type of majority- Special Majority
  • Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee? – B R Ambedkar
  • Who was the chairman of Committee on Fundamental Rights? – Sardar Patel
  • Who was the chairman of Union Powers Committee? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
  • Who was the chairman of Steering Committee? – K M Munshi
  • Who said “The preamble of India is the Keynote of the Constitution”- Ernest Barker
  • Who takes the oath of upholding the constitution? – SC and HC judges
  • Who takes the oath of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution? – President and Governor
  • Who takes the oath of bearing true faith and allegiance to the Constitution and abiding by it? – Ministers
  • What are the Key Words explicitly mentioned in the Preamble of India? – Democratic, Sovereign, Socialist
  • Which article deal with the election of vice president? – Article 66
  • Which type of duty is levied by the union government but collected and kept by the state government? – Stamp Duty
  • Central Government Schemes like MGNREGA has been framed in accordance with which article of the constitution? – Article 41
  • Provincial autonomy is the feature of which act? – Government of India- Act, 1935.
  • Was K M Munshi a member of Drafting committee? – Yes
  • Which State has no Panchayati Raj Institution at all? – Nagaland
  • Which proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends? – Right to freedom
  • For how long the ordinance issued by the Governor will remain in force without the approval of the State Legislature – six weeks
  • Who decides the number of Judges in a High Court? – President
  • Salary and allowances of the ex-officio officials of India are mentioned in which schedule of the Constitution – Second Schedule
  • What does the expression ‘gram Sabha’ correctly represents? – the electoral college for the Panchayat
  • The Ninth Schedule was added by which Amendment? – First
  • Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship? – Parliament
  • In India, if a religious sect/community is given “the status of a national minority, what special advantages it is entitled to? – exclusive educational institution can be established
  • Right to Information is a – Fundamental right
  • The concept of concurrent list in the Indian Constitution is derived from the constitution of which country – Australia
  • Which country has the largest constitution in the world – India
  • On which date India became a Sovereign, democratic republic? – 26-Jan-1950
  • The members of the Constituent were elected by? – the Legislative Assemblies of various provinces.
  • Under which article of the constitution, the provision for National Emergency has been enshrined? – Article 352
  • Under which article of the constitution, the provision for Financial emergency has been enshrined? – Article 360
  • Under which article of the constitution, the provision for State emergency/ President rule has been enshrined? – Article 356
  • In which case the arrest of common men during emergency was held legal during national emergency? – ADM Jabalpur Case
  • The Constituent Assembly of India was formed on the recommendation of? – the Cabinet Mission
  • Who elected the members of Constituent Assembly? – Legislative members of respective provinces
  • To whom, the Union Public Service Commission presents its report? – President
  • Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly of India? – Rajendra Prasad
  • Which of the followings was a popular slogan of French revolution? – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
  • How many times the Preamble of the Constitution was amended – once (in the year 1976 by 42nd CA)
  • Where is the word ‘federal’ used in the Indian Constitution? – nowhere in the Constitution.
  • Which committee was assigned to recommend reforms in the insurance sector? – Malhotra committee
  • During the proclamation of National Emergency which articles cannot be suspended? – Articles 20 and 21
  • In which account all revenues received by the Union Government by way of taxes and other receipts is credited? – Consolidated fund of India
  • Article 1 of the Indian Constitution declares that “India means India” is – the Union of States
  • When did the Indian Constitution come into force – January 26, 1950
  • At the time of the creation of the Indian Constitution, who was the Constitutional Advisor of the Constituent Assembly – N. Rao
  • In India, the concept of single citizenship has been adopted from? – England
  • In which article of Indian constitution, provision has been made for reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes – Article 335
  • Which committee recommended the Tribhasha Sutra? – Kothari Committee
  • What happens if the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha? – Government Resigns
  • Which part of the constitution deals with the provisions of citizenship? – Part II
  • The Indian constitution had taken the concept of Federalism from? – Canada
  • The finance commission is formed according to which article of the constitution? – Article 280
  • What is the main function of Finance Commission? – Distribution of revenue between centre and States
  • Who can change/ modify the recommendations of Delimitation Commission? – No one
  • Who was the chairman of the drafting committee? – Ambedkar
  • What are the basic features of the Indian Constitution that cannot be amended under Article 368? – Sovereignty, Territoriality, Integrity, Federal System, Judicial Review, Parliamentary System of Governance etc.
  • Which schedule deal with the division of power between centre and the states? – 7th schedule
  • Items in Central List: 100
  • Items in State List: 66
  • Items in Concurrent List: 52
  • Who is the chairman of the Inter State Council? – Prime Minister
  • Panchayat Secretary is appointed by- State government
  • The bill for the local governance was introduced in the government of- Narsimha Rao
  • Who recommended for the ‘two tier’ for of local governance in place of three tier form of governance.? – Ashok Mehta Committee (1977)
  • Who recommended for participation by political parties at all levels? – Ashok Mehta Committee (1977)
  • From which constitution are the fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution – American Constitution
  • Which constitution was the first to introduce Preamble? – American Constitution
  • Who talked about the constitutional safeguard to the local bodies? – L M Singhvi committee
  • The first municipal corporation in India was set up at which place? – Madras
  • In which case, Supreme Court specifically opined that Preamble is not a part of the Constitution? – Berubari case (1960)
  • In which case, the Supreme Court held that Preamble is a part of the Constitution? – Kesavananda Bharati case (1973)
  • How many fundamental rights were given initially? – seven
  • How many fundamental rights are present now? – Six
  • The right to freedom is mentioned in which articles of the Indian Constitution – Articles 19-22
  • Who is regarded as father of local-self-government in India? – Lord Ripon
  • The idea to promote equal justice and to provide free legal aid to the poor is enshrined in- Article 39 A Fundamental Rights? – Golaknath case (1967)
  • In which case the Supreme Court ruled basic structure doctrine of the Indian Constitution? – Kesavananda Bharati case (1973)
  • In which case the Supreme Court ruled that parliament cannot grant itself an unlimited power? – Minerva Mills Case (1980)
  • Within what time, a proclamation imposing President’s Rule must be approved by both the Houses of Parliament? – within two months from the date of its issue

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