BPSC 63rd Solved Paper
1. Which of the following smart cities has become India’s first city to run on 100% renewable energy during the daytime? A. Bengaluru B. Jaipur C. Indore D. Diu E. None of the above Answer: D Solution: In the year 2016 Diu became the first city in India to run entirely on solar energy during …
Does Light Always Move At The Same Speed?
How fast can you run? 10 Km/h, 20 Km/h ….or faster? Imagine the fastest speed that can be achieved in space? it’s 300000 Km/h, the speed of light. Light, no matter how high-or-low in energy, always moves at the speed of light, so long as it’s traveling through the vacuum of empty space. By passing …
Fundamental Duty
The original constitution contained only the fundamental rights and not the fundamental duties. Later in 1976, the fundamental duties of citizens were added in the Constitution. In 2002, one more Fundamental Duty was added. The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired by the Constitution of erstwhile USSR. Swaran Singh committee recommendations: In 1976, …
Writs of Supreme Court
The Supreme Court (under Article 32) and the high courts (under Article 226) can issue the writs of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, certiorari and quo-warranto. Further, the Parliament (under Article 32) can empower any other court to issue these writs. Since no such provision has been made so far, only the Supreme Court and the …
Bihar SI Important Questions
In the Constitution, there is no provision for impeachment on whom- Governor Money bill can be introduced in the Legislative Assembly with the prior permission of- Governor of the state Which state legislative assembly has the maximum number of members – Uttar Pradesh Salary and allowances of the ex-officio officials of India are mentioned in …