Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Comment on the new trendy ‘Big Fat Indian Wedding’.

Q. Comment on the new trendy ‘Big Fat Indian Wedding’.

Ans: The trend of the “Big Fat Indian Wedding” reflects a grand and opulent approach to celebrating marriage, often characterized by extravagant ceremonies, lavish venues, and a multitude of guests.

Indian Wedding Comment on the new trendy 'Big Fat Indian Wedding'.

While these weddings are visually stunning and often capture the imagination, they also come with a range of social, cultural, and economic implications:

Positive Aspects:

  1. Cultural Celebrations: Big Fat Indian Weddings often showcase the rich cultural diversity of India. They provide a platform for displaying traditional attire, customs, rituals, and regional cuisines, thereby preserving and celebrating cultural heritage.
  2. Stimulating Local Economies: These weddings can boost the local economy by generating income for event planners, caterers, designers, musicians, and various service providers. They create temporary employment opportunities and contribute to economic growth.
  3. Social Bonds: These large gatherings strengthen social bonds and connections among families and communities. The extended guest list allows for the participation of distant relatives, promoting a sense of belonging and unity.
  4. Showcasing Status: For some families, elaborate weddings serve as a status symbol, showcasing their social standing and affluence. It’s a way to demonstrate their success and prosperity to the larger community.

Challenges and Concerns:

  1. Excessive Consumption: The extravagance associated with Big Fat Indian Weddings can lead to excessive consumption of resources, contributing to environmental concerns and wastage.
  2. Financial Strain: The financial burden of organizing such weddings can lead to significant debt for families. There are cases where families borrow heavily or exhaust their savings to fund these celebrations.
  3. Pressure and Expectations: The pressure to conform to societal expectations and create a spectacular event can be overwhelming for families, impacting their mental and emotional well-being.
  4. Social Pressure: The societal norm of hosting grand weddings can create a competitive environment, forcing families to spend beyond their means to keep up with peers.
  5. Inclusivity and Waste Management: While these weddings celebrate opulence, issues related to inclusivity, inequality, and waste management can arise. Leftover food, decorations, and disposables contribute to environmental concerns.
  6. Materialism: The focus on material aspects can overshadow the significance of the marriage itself, leading to the commodification of weddings.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the need for more sustainable, intimate, and meaningful celebrations. Many couples and families are opting for eco-friendly weddings, minimalist ceremonies, and contributing to social causes instead of lavish expenses.

In the end, the trend of Big Fat Indian Weddings reflects both celebration and challenge. It’s important for society to strike a balance between preserving cultural traditions and being mindful of the impact of these celebrations on individuals, communities, and the environment.

Thanks for reading the answer to the question: Comment on the new trendy ‘Big Fat Indian Wedding’.
