Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Crop combination in India

Crop combination, also known as crop rotation, is a vital practice in agriculture, especially in India. Crop combination involves the systematic planting of different crops on the same land in a particular sequence, usually on an annual basis. This practice can provide many benefits, such as improving soil health, reducing pest and disease pressure, increasing crop yield, and conserving water. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of crop combination in India.

Improved Soil Health

India is one of the world’s largest agricultural producers, with a large population relying on agriculture for their livelihood. Crop combination has been an integral part of Indian agriculture for centuries, with farmers using different crop combinations to enhance the quality and quantity of their yield. The Indian agriculture sector is mainly dominated by cereal crops such as wheat, rice, and maize. These crops occupy a considerable area, which can lead to soil degradation, pest infestation, and decreased crop yield over time. This is where crop combination comes into play. Crop combination can help reduce soil degradation, improve soil fertility, and increase crop yield by providing the necessary nutrients to the soil.

Crop Combination for Enhanced Crop Yield

In India, farmers often combine leguminous crops like peas, beans, and lentils with cereal crops. Leguminous crops are known to fix atmospheric nitrogen, which improves soil fertility and provides the necessary nutrients for the growth of cereal crops. Additionally, legumes have a lower pest and disease pressure, which helps reduce the need for pesticides, thereby reducing production costs. Another popular crop combination in India is the planting of oilseeds and pulses. Oilseeds like mustard and sesame are often planted along with pulses like chickpeas and lentils. This combination is advantageous because oilseeds require less water, making them ideal for areas with low rainfall. Meanwhile, pulses are nitrogen-fixing crops, which help improve soil fertility and provide the necessary nutrients for oilseed growth.

Diversification of Crops

Crop combination can also help farmers increase their income by diversifying their crops. Planting a variety of crops can help reduce the risk of crop failure and provide an additional source of income. For example, farmers in Punjab and Haryana plant sugarcane, wheat, and paddy in sequence, providing a steady source of income throughout the year.


In conclusion, crop combination is an essential practice in Indian agriculture. It provides many benefits, such as improving soil health, reducing pest and disease pressure, increasing crop yield, and conserving water. With the population increasing, it is essential to improve crop yields to meet the food requirements of the growing population. Crop combination is one such practice that can help farmers achieve higher crop yields and secure their livelihoods.