Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Definition and types of Natural Resources

Natural resources refer to materials and substances that occur naturally within the environment and can be used to meet human needs and demands. They are essential for supporting life and human activities, and include both renewable and non-renewable resources.

There are several types of natural resources, including:

  1. Renewable resources: These are resources that can be replenished or regenerated over time, such as solar energy, wind energy, water, and forests.
  2. Non-renewable resources: These are resources that cannot be replenished once they have been depleted, such as coal, oil, natural gas, and minerals.
  3. Biotic resources: These are resources that are derived from living organisms, such as food, fiber, and medicinal plants.
  4. Abiotic resources: These are resources that are derived from non-living matter, such as minerals, water, and air.
  5. Cultivable resources: These are resources that can be cultivated or managed for human use, such as crops, livestock, and fisheries.
  6. Extractive resources: These are resources that are obtained through extraction, such as minerals, oil, and natural gas.

It is important to manage natural resources in a sustainable way to ensure their availability for future generations and to maintain the balance of the ecosystem. This can include practices such as conservation, efficient use, and responsible extraction and use of non-renewable resources.

In conclusion, natural resources are essential for supporting human life and activities, and come in various forms, including renewable and non-renewable resources, biotic and abiotic resources, cultivable and extractive resources. Effective management of these resources is crucial for maintaining the balance of the environment and ensuring their availability for future generations.