Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Hierarchy of Urban Settlements

The Hierarchy of Urban Settlements refers to the classification of urban areas based on their population size, economic functions, and level of services. This system categorizes urban settlements into different levels, from small villages to large metropolitan areas, based on their size and importance.

Hierarchy of Urban Settlements
Hierarchy of Urban Settlements

What is Hierarchy of Urban Settlements? 

It is a system of classifying urban areas into different levels based on their population size, economic functions, and level of services. The system recognizes that different urban settlements have varying levels of importance and influence on their surrounding regions. The hierarchy of urban settlements is an essential tool for urban planning, development, and management.

Levels of Urban Settlements

It consists of different levels, each with its own characteristics and importance. The levels of urban settlements, from the smallest to the largest, are:

a. Hamlet: A small settlement with few or no services and a population of less than 100.

b. Village: A settlement with basic services such as a school, a post office, and a small market, and a population of less than 1000.

c. Town: A settlement with more extensive services, such as a hospital, a police station, and a larger market, and a population of less than 10,000.

d. City: A large settlement with significant economic and cultural functions, such as a university, a major hospital, and a significant business district. A city typically has a population of over 100,000.

e. Metropolis: A large urban area with extensive economic and cultural functions, such as a major international airport, a financial district, and a large population of over one million.


Understanding the hierarchy of urban settlements is essential for urban planning and development. It helps policymakers and planners to allocate resources and prioritize development initiatives based on the level of importance of different urban settlements. The hierarchy of urban settlements also helps in the creation of appropriate infrastructure, services, and amenities that are appropriate for the size and importance of each urban settlement.

In conclusion, the Hierarchy of Urban Settlements is an essential tool for urban planning and development. It recognizes that different urban settlements have varying levels of importance and influence on their surrounding regions. By understanding the hierarchy of urban settlements, policymakers and planners can allocate resources and prioritize development initiatives based on the level of importance of different urban settlements.

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