Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Hridayanath Kunjaru

Hridyanath Kunzru was an Indian freedom fighter, public figure, and writer. He was a long-time Parliamentarian, serving in various legislative bodies at the Provincial and Central level for nearly four decades. He was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India that drew up the Constitution of India. He was also keenly interested in international affairs and co-founded the Indian Council of World Affairs and the Indian School of International Studies.

Kunzru was born in a Hindu family in Allahabad, India. He was educated at the Muir Central College in Allahabad and the University of Allahabad. After graduating, he worked as a journalist and a lawyer.

Kunzru was active in the Indian independence movement from an early age. He was a member of the Indian National Congress and was imprisoned several times for his political activities. He was also a leading figure in the Non-Cooperation Movement and the Civil Disobedience Movement.

After India’s independence, Kunzru served as a member of the Constituent Assembly of India. He was a member of the Drafting Committee that was responsible for drafting the Constitution of India. He also served as a member of the Indian Parliament for several terms.

Kunzru was a prolific writer and authored several books on Indian politics, history, and international affairs. He was also a regular contributor to newspapers and magazines.

Kunzru was a respected figure in Indian politics and society. He was a leading advocate of democracy, secularism, and social justice. He was also a strong supporter of international cooperation.

Here are some of Kunzru’s most notable achievements:

  • He was a long-time Parliamentarian, serving in various legislative bodies at the Provincial and Central level for nearly four decades.
  • He was a member of the Constituent Assembly of India (1946–50) that drew up the Constitution of India.
  • He was also keenly interested in international affairs and co-founded the Indian Council of World Affairs and the Indian School of International Studies.
  • He was a prolific writer and authored several books on Indian politics, history, and international affairs.

Kunzru died in Delhi, India in 1978 at the age of 90. He is remembered as a leading figure in Indian politics and society.