Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Human Approach in Human Geography

Human geography is a dynamic and complex field that seeks to understand the relationship between people and the environment. One of the key perspectives in human geography is the human approach, which emphasizes the importance of studying human behavior, attitudes, and beliefs in order to better understand the ways in which people interact with and shape their environment. Let us go deeper in Human Approach in Human Geography.

Human Approach in Human Geography

What is the Human Approach in Human Geography?

It is a framework that seeks to understand the relationships between people and the environment. It views geography as a social science and places a strong emphasis on the study of human behavior and attitudes. The human approach argues that people are not passive recipients of their environment, but are instead actively shaping it through their actions and decisions.


The human approach is important in human geography because it provides a unique perspective on the ways in which people interact with and shape their environment. By studying human behavior and attitudes, geographers are able to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of human geography and the ways in which social, cultural, and political factors influence the physical environment.

Components of the Human Approach

It is comprised of several key components, including:

  1. Spatial Behavior: This refers to the ways in which people move and interact with their environment, both physically and socially.
  2. Attitudes and Beliefs: This includes the study of how people perceive and understand their environment, and how their attitudes and beliefs influence their behavior.
  3. Processes that Shape the Environment: This refers to the study of social, economic, and political processes and how they shape the built and natural environment.

Examples of the Human Approach in Human Geography

It is widely used in human geography and has been applied to a range of topics, including:

  1. Urban Geography: This includes the study of how people use urban spaces, move through cities, and interact with one another.
  2. Environmental Geography: This includes the study of how cultural values and beliefs shape the way people use and value natural resources.
  3. Neighborhoods: This includes the study of how people’s perceptions of their neighborhood influence their behavior and decisions.


The human approach in human geography offers a unique perspective on the relationships between people and their environment. By emphasizing the study of human behavior, attitudes, and beliefs, geographers are better able to understand the complexities of human geography and the ways in which people interact with and shape their environment. It continues to be one of the most influential and widely used frameworks in human geography, providing valuable insights into the ways in which people experience and understand the world around them.

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