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International Boundary of India and related issues

The International Boundary of India and Related Issues: An Overview

India shares international borders with seven neighboring countries, including China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. The international boundary of India is one of the longest in the world, stretching over 15,000 kilometers. While these borders have been the source of some conflict and tension, they have also been the site of significant cooperation and cross-border trade.

International Border Issues
India’s international borders have been the source of some issues, including territorial disputes, illegal immigration, and cross-border terrorism. These issues have often led to tensions and conflicts between India and its neighbors.

One of the most significant territorial disputes is between India and China. The two countries share a long border that has been the source of several conflicts, including the 1962 Sino-Indian War. The border dispute remains unresolved, and tensions between the two countries have periodically escalated in recent years.

Illegal immigration is another issue along India’s international borders. The porous borders with Nepal and Bangladesh have made it easy for people to cross over into India illegally, leading to concerns about national security and demographic changes.

Cross-border terrorism is also a significant issue, with Pakistan being the primary source of terrorism in India. Terrorist groups, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed, have carried out several attacks on Indian soil, leading to tension and conflict between the two countries.

India’s Response to Border Issues
India has taken several steps to address the issues along its international borders. For instance, India has taken a tough stance on illegal immigration, with the government launching the National Register of Citizens to identify and deport illegal immigrants.

India has also responded to cross-border terrorism with a combination of diplomatic and military measures. India has accused Pakistan of providing support to terrorist groups, and the two countries have engaged in several rounds of talks to address the issue. India has also launched surgical strikes against terrorist camps across the border.

India has also taken steps to improve trade and economic cooperation with its neighbors. The government has launched the Act East Policy to strengthen economic ties with Southeast Asian countries, and the government has also initiated several infrastructure projects to improve connectivity with neighboring countries.

India’s international borders are a complex and sensitive issue, with several challenges and opportunities. While the issues of territorial disputes, illegal immigration, and cross-border terrorism remain unresolved, India has taken several steps to address them. The government’s focus on economic cooperation and connectivity can lead to significant opportunities for the region. As such, it is important for India and its neighbors to continue to work towards peaceful and cooperative relations to ensure a stable and prosperous future for the region.