Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Madam Bhikaji Cama

Bhikaji Cama was a pioneering Indian independence activist and a key figure in the Indian independence movement. Born in 1861 in the Indian state of Maharashtra, Cama was a highly educated woman who dedicated her life to the cause of Indian independence.

Cama was a strong advocate for women’s rights and was one of the first Indian women to take up the cause of Indian independence. She was a prolific writer and used her writing to promote the cause of Indian independence, both in India and abroad. In 1907, she unfurled the first Indian national flag at the International Socialist Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, and this act is considered to be one of the first instances of political defiance against British rule in India.

Cama was also a strong advocate for the rights of Indian exiles living abroad. She worked tirelessly to support Indian exiles in countries such as France and Britain, and she helped to establish organizations that aimed to provide support and assistance to these exiles.

Despite her many contributions to the Indian independence movement, Cama is not as well-known today as some of her contemporaries, such as Mahatma Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru. Nevertheless, her legacy continues to be an important part of the Indian independence movement, and she is remembered as a pioneering figure in the struggle for Indian independence.

In conclusion, Bhikaji Cama was a pioneering Indian independence activist and a key figure in the Indian independence movement. She was a strong advocate for women’s rights and the rights of Indian exiles living abroad, and she used her writing to promote the cause of Indian independence. Despite not being as well-known today as some of her contemporaries, her legacy continues to be an important part of the Indian independence movement, and she is remembered as a pioneering figure in the struggle for Indian independence.