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NHRC [Complete Information]

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is an independent statutory body established in India to protect and promote human rights. It was established in 1993 under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. In this article, we will take a closer look at the NHRC, its functions, and the role it plays in protecting human rights in India.


Structure and Composition of NHRC
The NHRC is composed of a Chairperson, and four members, all of whom are appointed by the President of India. The NHRC also has a Secretary-General who assists in the administration of the commission. The commission has offices in various parts of the country to ensure its accessibility to people.

Functions of NHRC
The primary function of the NHRC is to investigate human rights violations and recommend measures to prevent their recurrence. The commission can also inquire into complaints of human rights violations, undertake studies, and spread awareness about human rights. The NHRC has the power of a civil court and can summon witnesses, record evidence, and order the production of documents.

Powers of NHRC
The NHRC has the power to intervene in any proceeding involving any alleged violation of human rights pending before a court, and submit its opinion in the matter. It can also recommend payment of compensation or damages to the victims of human rights violations. The commission can also recommend prosecution of the persons responsible for such violations.

NHRC’s Role in Protecting Human Rights
The NHRC plays a crucial role in protecting and promoting human rights in India. It has the power to investigate violations of human rights, and recommend measures to prevent their recurrence. The commission can also provide relief to the victims of such violations by recommending payment of compensation or damages. The NHRC also spreads awareness about human rights and their importance in society.

Criticisms of NHRC
Despite its important role, the NHRC has faced criticism from various quarters. Some critics have argued that the commission lacks teeth and is not effective in dealing with human rights violations. Others have criticized the NHRC for not being independent and for being influenced by the government. There have also been concerns about the commission’s limited mandate, which does not include economic, social, and cultural rights.

The NHRC plays an important role in protecting and promoting human rights in India. Its functions and powers are essential for ensuring that human rights are respected and protected in the country. However, there is room for improvement, and the NHRC needs to address the criticisms leveled against it. Ultimately, a strong and effective NHRC is crucial for protecting the rights of all individuals in India.