Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Non Align Movement (NAM)

The Non Align Movement (NAM) is an international organization consisting of countries that do not consider themselves aligned with any major power bloc. Founded in 1961 in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, the NAM originally consisted of 25 member states, but has since grown to include 120 member countries. The organization’s primary objective is to promote world peace, economic development, and cooperation among its member states.

Non Align Movement (NAM)
Non Align Movement (NAM)

One of the key principles of the NAM is respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its member states. This principle is reflected in the organization’s advocacy for non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The NAM also promotes the use of peaceful means to resolve disputes and opposes the use of force in international relations.

In addition to its focus on peace and cooperation, the NAM also places a strong emphasis on economic development. The organization has taken several initiatives to promote economic cooperation among its member states, such as the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement Trade Co-operation Network (NAMTCN) and the adoption of the Havana Declaration on the New International Economic Order.

The NAM has also been active in promoting disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation. The organization played a significant role in the negotiation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in 1968 and has continued to advocate for nuclear disarmament and the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Despite its focus on peace and cooperation, the NAM has faced criticism over the years. Some have argued that the organization has been ineffective in achieving its objectives, while others have accused it of being a tool of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. However, the NAM remains an important voice in the international community, and its principles of respect for sovereignty, peaceful resolution of disputes, and economic development continue to be relevant in today’s world.

In conclusion, the Non-Aligned Movement is an international organization that has played a significant role in promoting world peace, economic development, and cooperation among its member states. The organization’s principles of respect for sovereignty, peaceful resolution of disputes, and economic development continue to be relevant in today’s world, and the NAM remains an important voice in the international community. While it has faced criticism over the years, the NAM’s commitment to these principles and its efforts to promote peace and cooperation should be recognized and supported.

Q. Who among the following was not in the core leadership of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in its formative phase? UPSC CDS I 2023. 

(a) Kwame Nkrumah

(b) Gamal Abdel Nasser

(c) Jawaharlal Nehru

(d) Fidel Castro

Ans: (d)

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