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Standing committee of Parliament

The Standing Committee of Parliament is a committee of Members of Parliament (MPs) that is appointed by the Speaker of Lok Sabha and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha. Its main function is to review and examine the functioning of various ministries and departments of the government of India, in order to ensure their accountability to the Parliament and the people of India. In this article, we will discuss the role and functions of the Standing Committee of Parliament, its structure, and the impact of its work on the Indian political system.

Role and Functions of the Standing Committee of Parliament

The Standing Committee of Parliament is an important tool of parliamentary oversight. Its primary role is to scrutinize and examine the various bills, policies, and programs introduced by the government of India. The Committee can also examine the budget proposals and scrutinize the demand for grants of various ministries and departments.

The Committee can call witnesses and experts to provide evidence and testimony on various issues. It can also make recommendations to the government on how to improve the functioning of various ministries and departments. The Standing Committee of Parliament is a non-partisan body, and its members are expected to work in the interest of the people of India, rather than their political parties.

Structure of the Standing Committee of Parliament

The Standing Committee of Parliament is composed of 31 members of Lok Sabha and 21 members of Rajya Sabha, who are appointed by the Speaker of Lok Sabha and the Chairman of Rajya Sabha, respectively. The Committee is divided into several sub-committees, each of which is responsible for examining the functioning of specific ministries or departments.

The members are usually senior MPs who have considerable experience in parliamentary affairs. The Committee is chaired by a senior MP who is appointed by the Speaker of Lok Sabha.

Impact on the Indian Political System

It has played a crucial role in ensuring accountability and transparency in the functioning of various ministries and departments of the government of India. Its work has helped to identify and address various issues related to policy implementation, budget allocation, and other matters of public interest.

The Committee’s reports and recommendations have been instrumental in shaping public policy and legislation in India. The recommendations of the Committee are not binding on the government, but they carry significant weight and are often implemented in whole or in part by the government.


The Standing Committee of Parliament is a critical component of India’s parliamentary system. Its role in scrutinizing and examining the functioning of various ministries and departments of the government of India has helped to ensure accountability, transparency, and the protection of the interests of the people of India. As India continues to develop and evolve, the Standing Committee of Parliament will continue to play an essential role in shaping public policy and ensuring that the government is working in the interest of the people.

Comparison between Standing Committees and Adhoc Committees

Features Standing Committees Adhoc Committees
Duration Permanent committees Temporary committees
Membership Fixed membership for the entire term Appointed for a specific period
Functions Specific functions assigned Constituted for a specific purpose
Expertise Members have specialized expertise Members may or may not have expertise
Reports Regular reports to the House Report on the specific matter referred
Powers Extensive powers to examine and report Limited powers and specific mandate

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