Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Types and Patterns of Rural Settlements

Rural settlements are communities located outside of urban centers, often characterized by agricultural activities and lower population densities. These communities are diverse, and their types and patterns depend on various factors, including cultural practices, environmental conditions, and economic activities. In this article, we will explore the different types and patterns of rural settlements.

Types of Rural Settlements

  1. Clustered Settlements: In clustered settlements, houses and buildings are clustered together in a specific area. These settlements are often found in areas with limited land for building and have a central area where people can gather for social and economic activities.
  2. Dispersed Settlements: In dispersed settlements, houses and buildings are spread out over a wider area. These settlements are often found in areas with ample land for building and may be found in areas with a more mobile population.
  3. Linear Settlements: In linear settlements, houses and buildings are built along a road or other linear feature. These settlements are often found in areas with topographical constraints, such as mountains or rivers.

Patterns of Rural Settlements

  1. Nucleated Pattern: In nucleated settlements, buildings are grouped together around a central point or points. This pattern is often seen in clustered settlements.
  2. Linear Pattern: In linear settlements, buildings are arranged along a linear feature, such as a road, river, or coastline. This pattern is often seen in linear settlements.
  3. Circular Pattern: In circular settlements, buildings are arranged in a circular or semi-circular pattern. This pattern is often seen in settlements built around a central point, such as a church or marketplace.
  4. Grid Pattern: In grid settlements, buildings are arranged in a grid pattern. This pattern is often seen in newly established settlements, where land is divided into equal-sized plots.


Rural settlements are diverse, and their types and patterns depend on various factors. Clustered, dispersed, and linear settlements are the three main types of rural settlements, while nucleated, linear, circular, and grid patterns are the most common settlement patterns. Understanding the different types and patterns of rural settlements can provide insight into the unique characteristics of these communities and can inform planning and development decisions.