Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Wassenaar Agreement

The Wassenaar Arrangement is a multilateral export control regime established in 1996 to promote transparency and responsibility in international transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. The agreement is named after the Dutch city of Wassenaar, where its first plenary meeting was held.

The Wassenaar Arrangement currently has 42 participating states, including most of the major arms-producing and exporting countries. The objective of the agreement is to ensure that transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies do not contribute to the development or enhancement of military capabilities that undermine international peace and stability.

To achieve this objective, the Wassenaar Arrangement operates through a series of consensus-based decisions and guidelines, including control lists that outline the items that are subject to export controls and end-use restrictions. Participating states are required to provide regular updates on their export control policies and practices, and to consult with other participating states in the event of potential violations.

The Wassenaar Arrangement has been widely recognized as an important tool in promoting stability and security, and has been supported by the United Nations, the European Union, and numerous other international organizations. However, the agreement has faced some challenges, including concerns about its effectiveness in controlling the spread of sensitive technologies, and the need for greater transparency and accountability in its decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the Wassenaar Arrangement is a multilateral export control regime established to promote transparency and responsibility in international transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. The agreement operates through a series of consensus-based decisions and guidelines and has been widely recognized as an important tool in promoting stability and security. Despite its challenges, the Wassenaar Arrangement remains an important component of international efforts to control the spread of sensitive technologies and promote global peace and security.