Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

What is Calorific Value?

Calorific value is an important concept in the field of thermodynamics and energy. It is used to measure the amount of energy released when a fuel is burned or combusted. It is often expressed in units of joules or calories per unit of mass or volume of the fuel. In this article, we will explore what calorific value is, how it is measured, and why it is important.

What is Calorific Value

What is Calorific Value?

It is a measure of the energy content of a fuel. It is defined as the amount of heat energy released when a fuel is burned completely under specific conditions. The value is dependent on its chemical composition, as different fuels contain different amounts of carbon, hydrogen, and other elements.

How is Calorific Value Measured?

It can be measured in a laboratory using a device called a bomb calorimeter. A bomb calorimeter is a sealed vessel that is filled with a known amount of fuel and pure oxygen. The fuel is ignited and burned completely, and the heat released is absorbed by the water surrounding the vessel. By measuring the temperature increase of the water, the calorific value of the fuel can be calculated.

It can also be estimated using empirical equations, which take into account the elemental composition of the fuel. These equations are based on the assumption that the heat of combustion of a fuel is proportional to its carbon and hydrogen content.


It is an important parameter in the design and operation of combustion systems, such as boilers, furnaces, and engines. By knowing the calorific value of a fuel, engineers can determine the amount of fuel needed to produce a certain amount of energy, as well as the efficiency of the combustion process.

It is also important in the context of energy production and consumption. Different fuels have different calorific values, and some fuels are more energy-dense than others. For example, natural gas has a higher calorific value than coal, which means that less natural gas is needed to produce the same amount of energy as coal. This has important implications for energy policy and sustainability, as it affects the choice of fuels used for electricity generation and transportation.

Which Type of Fuel has Highest Calorific Value?

It depends on its chemical composition and can vary widely between different types of fuels.

  • Hydrogen: The highest calorific value of any fuel is that of hydrogen, at 141.8 MJ/kg.
  • LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas): 46.1 MJ/kg.
  • Natural Gas: 55.5 MJ/kg.
  • Gasoline (Petrol):  44.4 MJ/kg.
  • Diesel: 48.0 MJ/kg.
  • Coal: The value ranging from about 24 to 33 MJ/kg depending on the type.
  • Wood: Wood has a calorific value ranging from about 15 to 21 MJ/kg depending on the type.


Calorific value is an important concept in the field of energy and thermodynamics. It is a measure of the energy content of a fuel and is used to determine the amount of fuel needed to produce a certain amount of energy, as well as the efficiency of combustion processes. It is measured using laboratory devices such as bomb calorimeters or estimated using empirical equations based on the fuel’s elemental composition. Different fuels have different calorific values, which affect their energy density and suitability for different applications.

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