Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

When was ‘ASEAN’ formed ( established ) and who were its member countries at the time of establishment?

ASEAN, which stands for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, was established on August 8, 1967. The founding member countries of ASEAN at the time of its establishment were:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malaysia
  3. Philippines
  4. Singapore
  5. Thailand

These five countries signed the Bangkok Declaration on that day, marking the official establishment of ASEAN. Since its formation, ASEAN has expanded to include ten member countries, with Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia joining the organization in subsequent years.

Established on August 8, 1967, with the signing of the Bangkok Declaration, ASEAN’s primary objectives are to promote regional cooperation, maintain political stability, and foster economic growth and development in the Southeast Asian region. Here are some key points to explain ASEAN:

  1. Member Countries: ASEAN consists of ten member countries, which are as follows:
    • Brunei Darussalam
    • Cambodia
    • Indonesia
    • Laos
    • Malaysia
    • Myanmar (Burma)
    • Philippines
    • Singapore
    • Thailand
    • Vietnam
  2. Principles: ASEAN operates on the principles of mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful coexistence, and consensus-based decision-making. These principles are enshrined in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) and the ASEAN Charter.
  3. Objectives: ASEAN’s main objectives include:
    • Promoting regional peace and stability.
    • Enhancing economic cooperation and integration through initiatives like the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
    • Facilitating social and cultural exchanges among member states.
    • Strengthening political and security cooperation to address regional challenges.
    • Promoting cooperation on environmental and sustainable development issues.
  4. ASEAN Community: ASEAN has set the goal of becoming a single community known as the ASEAN Community, consisting of three pillars:
    • ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC): Focused on political and security cooperation to ensure regional stability and conflict resolution.
    • ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): Aims to create a single market and production base to promote economic growth, trade, and investment within the region.
    • ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC): Focuses on cultural exchange, human development, and social progress.
  5. Decision-Making: ASEAN decisions are made by consensus, which means that member states must agree on policies and initiatives collectively. This consensus-based approach reflects the organization’s commitment to inclusivity and cooperation.
  6. Dialogue Partners: ASEAN maintains dialogue partnerships with various countries and organizations worldwide, including major powers like the United States, China, Japan, and the European Union. These partnerships facilitate cooperation in various fields, including trade, security, and development.
  7. Role in Regional Diplomacy: ASEAN plays a significant role in regional diplomacy and conflict resolution. It hosts various forums, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), where countries in the Asia-Pacific region engage in dialogue on security issues.
  8. Challenges: ASEAN faces challenges related to economic disparities among member states, human rights concerns, and regional security issues. Balancing the interests and priorities of diverse member countries can be complex.

Overall, ASEAN has played a crucial role in fostering regional stability, economic growth, and cooperation in Southeast Asia. It continues to work toward its vision of an integrated and prosperous Southeast Asian community.