Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

When was Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan launched?

The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) was launched in India on September 2001. It is a flagship program of the Government of India aimed at achieving universalization of elementary education in a time-bound manner. Here’s an explanation of SSA:

Objective: The primary objective of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is to provide quality elementary education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years. It strives to ensure that every child has access to free and compulsory education and that they complete at least eight years of schooling.

Key Features and Components:

  1. Universal Access: SSA focuses on ensuring that every child, including those from marginalized and disadvantaged communities, has access to primary and upper primary education. Special attention is given to girls, children with disabilities, and those from economically weaker sections.
  2. Quality Improvement: It aims to improve the quality of education by providing adequate infrastructure, trained teachers, and learning materials. SSA emphasizes the need for a child-friendly and inclusive education system.
  3. Community Participation: SSA promotes community participation in the management of schools through School Management Committees (SMCs). Local communities play a crucial role in monitoring the functioning of schools and ensuring transparency and accountability.
  4. Teacher Training: The program includes teacher training initiatives to enhance the skills and qualifications of teachers. It also focuses on the recruitment of teachers to fill vacancies in schools.
  5. Financial Support: The SSA program provides financial support to states and Union Territories to bridge the resource gaps in implementing educational initiatives. The funding is shared between the central and state governments.
  6. Inclusive Education: SSA places a strong emphasis on inclusive education, ensuring that children with disabilities are integrated into mainstream schools and receive the necessary support.
  7. Early Childhood Education: The program includes a component for early childhood care and education (ECCE), recognizing the importance of a strong foundation in the early years.
  8. Research and Evaluation: SSA includes research and evaluation components to assess the effectiveness of its interventions and make necessary improvements.

Achievements: Since its inception, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan has made significant progress in increasing enrollment, reducing dropout rates, and improving infrastructure in schools across India. It has played a vital role in expanding access to elementary education.

It’s important to note that the SSA program has evolved over the years, and additional initiatives and policies have been introduced to further strengthen the education system in India.