BPSC 67 Re-Exam Question Paper (Solution) : Exam date 30.09.2022
1. Who established trade relations with Rome empire?
(A) Cheras
(B) Western Shakas
(C) Vakatakas
(D) Kushanas
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Kushan dynasty had diplomatic contacts with the Roman Empire, Sasanian Persia, the Aksumite Empire, and the Han dynasty of China and was at the center of trade relations between the Roman Empire and China.

Ambassadors from the Kushans who met with the Roman Emperor Hadrian are described in the Historia Augusta.
2. The Muslim ruler whose empire was regarded as a part of Dar-ul-Islam was
(A) Razia
(B) Iltunnish
(C) Nasir-ud-Din
(D) Balban
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Dar al-Islam means ‘house of peace’ and refers to the dominion of Islam, namely, any structure that allows the free practice of Islam.
3. Who among the following opposed the power of the Khalifa
(A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
(C) Balban
(D) Iltutmish
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (E)
4. Tughril Khan raised a standard of revolt during whose reign?
(A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Feroz Tughluq
(C) Khizr Khan
(D) Balban
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: Tughril Khan raised a standard of revolt during the reign of the Seljuq Sultan Malik-Shah I. He also raised the revolt against Balban.
5. Who was the first Mughal ruler who fought against the British?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Shah Jahan
(C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(D) Jahangir
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Mughal Empire and British Empire did not have direct conflicts during the reign of any Mughal emperor. The East India Company gradually gained control of India through diplomacy and military means during the decline of the Mughal Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.
The shift of Power occurred during the regime of Aurangzeb.
6. Which of the following were the social reforms introduced by William Bentinck?
- Abolition of Sati
- Abolition of slavery
- Removal of disabilities due to change of religion
- Suppression of the organized bands of Thugs.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
(A) 1, 3, and 4 only
(B) 1, 2, and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 2 only
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: William Bentinck, Governor-General of British India from 1828 to 1835, introduced several significant social reforms during his tenure. Some of the notable ones include:
- Abolition of Sati: Bentinck passed the Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829, which made the practice of Sati (widow immolation) illegal.
- Suppression of Thugees: Bentinck implemented measures to suppress the Thugees, a criminal cult that practiced robbery and murder across India.
- Legal Reforms: Bentinck introduced legal reforms, such as the implementation of a new system of criminal justice, and the introduction of English as the official language of the courts.
- Education Reforms: Bentinck established the first government-funded schools in India, with the aim of providing education to Indian children. He also introduced Western-style education in India, which laid the foundation for the development of modern education in India.
- Prohibition of Female Infanticide: Bentinck passed laws to prohibit the practice of female infanticide, which was prevalent in some parts of India.
- Encouragement of Western Medicine: Bentinck encouraged the use of Western medicine in India and established the first medical college in Calcutta.
- Imposition of duty on Opium cultivated in Malwa.
7. Sind was conquered and annexed by
(A) Sleeman
(B) Napier
(C) Lawrence
(D) Wellington
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Sind was conquered and annexed by Charles James Napier, a British army officer, who served as the Governor of Sindh, in 1843. He led the British forces in the conquest of Sindh and signed the Treaty of Lahore with the defeated ruler of Sindh, in 1843, which made Sindh a part of the British Indian Empire.
8. In which year, first Census was introduced in India?
(A) 1901
(B) 1911
(C) 1921
(D) 1872
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: The first census was conducted non-synchronously in different parts of India in 1872 during the British colonial period. The census was conducted under the supervision of Lord Mayo, who was the Viceroy and Governor-General of India at that time. The main purpose of the census was to gather information about the population of India, including demographic and social characteristics such as age, sex, religion, caste, and occupation.
The census was carried out by trained enumerators who went from door to door to collect information. The total population of India at that time was estimated to be around 238 million.
9. On which date, Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh, and Rajguru were hanged?
(A) 23rd March 1931
(B) 7th September 1931
(C) 4th March 1931
(D) 12th November 1930
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev were hanged by the British on 23 March 1931.
10. Who was the third Satyagrahi of Individual Satyagraha launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1940?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Rajendra Prasad
(C) Brahma Dutt
(D) Vinoba Bhave
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: Individual Satyagraha was limited, symbolic, and non-violent in nature. Vinoba Bhave was the first Satyagrahi, Jawaharlal Nehru was the second Satyagrahi, and Brahma Dutt was the third Satyagrahi.
Individual Satyagraha was a non-violent resistance movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1940 as part of the Indian independence movement. The movement was based on the principle of nonviolent civil disobedience, and it called for individual Indians to protest against the British colonial government by engaging in acts of peaceful non-cooperation and civil disobedience.
The goal of the movement was to put pressure on the British government to grant India independence. The movement was not as successful as the mass civil disobedience movements launched by Gandhi, such as the Non-cooperation Movement and the Quit India Movement, but it was significant in that it marked the first time that Gandhi called for individual acts of resistance against the British government.
11. Who launched secret radio during the Quit India Movement?
(A) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
(B) Sucheta Kripalani
(C) Annie Besant
(D) Usha Mehta
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: Usha Mehta was a Gandhian freedom fighter who is known for organizing the Congress Radio, a secret radio station to spread information during Quit Indian movement in 1942.
This question has been taken from UPSC Prelims 2011 Exam.
12. Who was the Physician of Magadh ruler Bimbisara?
(A) Vijayasena
(B) Jeevaka
(C) Manu
(D) Shilabhadra
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Jeevak was a physician and son of the physician Jivaka in ancient India. He was a contemporary of the Buddha and was known for his skill in treating illnesses and injuries.
Jivaka was considered to be the court physician to King Bimbisara of Magadha and also to the Buddha himself. He is also known as “Jivaka Komarabhacca” which means ‘Jivaka, son of Komarabhacca’.
He is considered one of the most famous physicians in ancient India and is said to have written a medical text called the Jivakacintamani.
13. Who was the real founder of Turk rule in Bihar?
(A) Ibn Bakhtiyar Khilji
(B) Ibrahim
(C) Dariya Khan Noohani
(D) Malik Husamuddin
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Ibn Bakhtiyar Khilji was a general of the Ghurid Empire during the early 13th century. He was sent by his overlord to conquer the eastern regions of the Ghurid Empire, including present-day Bengal and Bihar.
In 1202, Ibn Bakhtiyar Khilji led a successful campaign in the region, capturing the city of Nadia, which was the capital of the Sena dynasty.
14. Who Was the first Indian Governor of Bihar?
(A) Dr. Shri Krishna Singh
(B) Brij Kishor Prasad
(C) B. P. Mandal
(D) Satyendra Prasanna Sinha
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: Satyendra Prasanna Sinha was the first Indian Governor of Bihar in 1920 whereas Jairamdas Daulatram was appointed the governor just after the Indian Independence in 1947.
15. Who were the leaders of the Santhal Revolt?
(A) Sidhu and Kanhu
(B) Gaurakshni Bhagat and Keshav Chandra, Roy
(C) Shambhunath Pal and Kona Mallaya
(D) Sara Bhagat and Balaram Bhagat
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Santhal revolt was led by Sidhu and Kanoo in 1855. The rebellion of the Santhals began as a reaction to end the revenue system of the British East India Company (BEIC), usury practices, and the zamindari system in India.
16. In which year did the Chauri Revolt of Bihar take place?
(A) 1842
(B) 1798
(C) 1784
(D) 1832
(E) None of the above/More than one of the – above
Ans: (B)
17. In which year was Orissa separated from Bihar?
(A) 1936
(B) 1956
(C) 2000
(D) 1912
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Orissa was separated from the state of Bihar and established as a separate state on April 1, 1936. The British government of India had created the province of Orissa in 1912, but it was still part of Bihar and Odisha till 1936.
The demand for a separate state for Odia-speaking people had been raised by leaders like Madhusudan Das, who is considered as the “Father of the Odisha Nation”. The British government granted their demand, and Orissa became the first state in India to be created on linguistic lines.
18. Where was the first Buddhist Council convened?
(A) Rajagriha
(B) Amaravati
(C) Kanganhalli
(D) Pataliputra
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: The first Buddhist council was convened in the city of Rajgir in present-day Bihar. The council was held in a cave named Sattapanni, and it took place around 400 BC, just a few years after the death of the Buddha.
The council was organized by the monk Mahakassapa and was attended by a large number of senior monks. The main objective of the council was to preserve and recite the teachings of the Buddha as well as to settle disputes and disagreements that had arisen among the monastic community. The council also established a standardized version of the monastic code (Vinaya) for the sangha, which is still followed by Theravada monks today.
19. Which Gupta ruler assumed the throne after killing his elder brother?
(A) Samudragupta
(B) Chandragupta II
(C) Skandagupta
(D) Shri Gupta
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Chandragupta II killed his elder brother Ramgupta.
20. Who laid the foundation of the Vardhana dynasty?
(A) Rajyavardhana
(B) Adityavardhana-
(C) Prabhakarvardhana
(D) Pushyabhuti
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: The Vardhana dynasty was founded by a ruler named Pushyabhuti. He laid the foundation of this dynasty in the 6th century CE in the present-day eastern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region of India.
Pushyabhuti was succeeded by his son, Prabhakaravardhana, who expanded the kingdom and his rule is considered one of the most significant in the history of the dynasty.
The most notable ruler of the Vardhana dynasty was his son, Harsha, who was a powerful emperor and a great patron of arts, literature, and Buddhism. Under his rule, the Vardhana dynasty reached its zenith, and his empire included much of the northern Indian subcontinent, including present-day Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Bengal, and parts of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
21. The Sargasso Sea is a part of the
(A) Arctic Ocean
(B) North Atlantic Ocean
(C) South Atlantic Ocean
(D) Indian Ocean
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Sargasso Sea is a region of the North Atlantic Ocean, defined by ocean currents that create a large swirling gyre. It is distinguished by its deep blue color and the presence of a large amount of sargassum seaweed, from which it gets its name.

The Sargasso Sea is not considered a formal sea, but rather a region defined by oceanographic features. It is located within the Western Atlantic Ocean, bordered by the Gulf Stream to the west, the North Atlantic Current to the north, the Canary Current to the south, and the Azores Current to the east.
22. What is the boundary line between India and China called?
(A) Radcliffe Line
(B) Indira Point
(C) Durand Line
(D) McMahon Line
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: The McMahon Line is a demarcation line that separates India and China, particularly in the eastern Himalayas. It was proposed by British colonial administrator Henry McMahon in 1914, during a conference between British, Tibetan, and Chinese representatives. The line was drawn as the proposed boundary between Tibet and British India, but China never officially recognized it.

The McMahon Line is considered to be the legal boundary between India and China by the Indian government, but China disputes it and claims a larger territory, which has led to several border disputes and conflicts between the two countries, most notably the Sino-Indian War of 1962.
23. Rajasthan receives very little rain because
(A) it is too hot
(B) there is no water available and thus the winds remain dry
(C) the winds do not come across any barriers to cause the necessary uplift to cool the air
(D) the monsoon fails to reach this area
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: Rajasthan receives very little rainfall because it is located in the rain shadow region of the Western Ghats.
The Western Ghats are a mountain range that runs parallel to the western coast of India, and they block the monsoon winds that bring rainfall to the region.
The monsoon winds, which are moisture-laden, hit the Western Ghats and lose most of their moisture, resulting in very little rainfall on the leeward side of the mountains, which includes Rajasthan.

Additionally, Rajasthan’s geographical location, which is closer to the Thar Desert, also causes low rainfall. The region also has high temperatures and low humidity, which also contribute to low rainfall.
24. Consider the following statements:
- In India, Project Tiger was launched in 1973.
- The theme for National Biodiversity 2022 is ‘Building a shared future for all life’.
- The Project Tiger is a tiger conservation programme.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
(A) 1 and 3 only
(B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1 only
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: Project Tiger is a conservation program launched in India in 1973 to protect Bengal tigers. The project aims to protect tigers and their habitats, as well as to raise awareness about the importance of tiger conservation.
The program includes measures such as habitat restoration, anti-poaching efforts, and relocation of human settlements from core tiger areas. The project has had some success in increasing tiger populations in the country, but challenges such as habitat loss and poaching continue to threaten the survival of wild tigers in India.
25. For which cultivation Karewas are famous?
(A) Saffron
(B) Mango
(C) Grapes
(D) Banana
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Karewas is a type of landform found in the Kashmir Valley of India, and are known for their terraced cultivation of saffron. Saffron is a spice that is derived from the Crocus sativus flower and is highly valued for its unique flavor and color.
The terraced fields on the Karewas are ideal for growing saffron, as they provide good drainage and access to sunlight. In addition to saffron, Karewas are also known for their cultivation of other crops such as almonds, walnuts, and apples.
26. Which State in India is the leading producer of thorium?
(A) Bihar
(B) Jharkhand
(C) Madhya Pradesh
(D) Kerala
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: Kerala and Tamil Nadu states in India are the leading producer of thorium. Thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils. It is mainly found in the form of monazite, which is a mineral that contains thorium, cerium, and other rare earth elements.
Tamil Nadu is rich in monazite deposits, particularly in the coastal areas of the state. The state-owned Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) operates a monazite processing plant in the city of Manavalakurichi in the Kanyakumari district which is considered the primary source of thorium in India.
About Thorium: Thorium is a naturally occurring radioactive element that is found in small amounts in most rocks and soils. It is a silvery-white metal that is relatively abundant in the Earth’s crust but is not as commonly found in concentrated deposits as other elements like uranium or plutonium. It has several isotopes, but only one of them is stable. Thorium-232 is the most stable isotope, with a half-life of 14 billion years.
Thorium is not fissile, meaning it cannot be used directly as a fuel for nuclear reactors, but it can be converted into a fissile isotope, Uranium-233, through nuclear reactions. This isotope has been considered a potential fuel for nuclear power generation because it is less radioactive and produces less long-lived nuclear waste than other nuclear fuels.
However, thorium is not yet being used extensively as a fuel for nuclear reactors, mainly due to the lack of commercial reactors specifically designed to use thorium and the lack of a thorium fuel cycle infrastructure. But, several countries including India has been investing in the research of Thorium-based reactor and their fuel cycle technology.
27. At which of the following places the newsprint paper industry is located?
(A) Durgapur
(B) Nepanagar
(C) Kanpur
(D) Satana
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Nepanagar is located in Madhya Pradesh state of India, it is home to a newsprint paper industry. The paper factory was set up in 1938 by the British India Corporation Ltd, and was later taken over by the Hindustan Paper Corporation. It is one of the largest newsprint manufacturing units in India and it uses bamboo as the raw material for paper production.
Durgapur, Kanpur, and Satana are also industrial towns in India but they are not known for having newsprint paper industry.
28. Where was first coal mine in India mined?
(A) Raniganj
(B) Dhanbad
(C) Asansol
(D) Maria
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Raniganj is a town in West Bengal state of India, it is considered as the birthplace of coal mining in India. The first coal mine in India was opened in 1774 in Raniganj by British merchant, John Sumner and Suetonius Grant Heatly.
The mine was owned by the British East India Company and it was mainly used to extract coal for the British-owned railway companies. The Raniganj Coalfield, which is located around the town, is one of the oldest and most important coal fields in India.
Dhanbad, Asansol and Maria are also situated in the coal rich region of India, but the first coal mine in India was mined in Raniganj.
29. According to the Census of India, 2011, which Scheduled Tribe is largest in
(A) Kol
(B) Bhil
(C) Gond
(D) Santhal
(E) None of the above/More than one of above
Ans: (B)
Solution: According to the Census of India, 2011, Bhil tribe is the largest Scheduled Tribe in India. Bhils are found mainly in the central and western states of India such as Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Chhattisgarh. As per the census of 2011, Bhil tribe has a population of around 10.4 million, which constitutes around 8.6% of the total scheduled tribe population in India.
Kol, Gond, and Santhal are also major Scheduled Tribe in India, but Bhil is the largest among them.
30. The total geographical area of Bihar State is
(A) 94316 sq. km-
(B) 94163 sq. km
(C) 94526 sq. km
(D) 94200 sq. km
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
31. Which river is known as Sorrow of Bihar?
(A) Ganga
(B) Kosi
(C) Sone
(D) Ghaghara
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: The Kosi River, the Sorrow of Bihar, is a river in northern India and southern Nepal that is known for its devastating floods.
The river, which originates in the Himalayas in Nepal, is known for changing its course frequently and for causing severe flooding in the state of Bihar, India.
The floods caused by the Kosi River have been a major problem for the people of Bihar for centuries, and have led to widespread loss of life and property.
32. In which district of Bihar, Telhar Kund Waterfall is located?
(A) Nawada
(B) Kaimur
(C) Rohtas
(D) Sasaram
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Telhar Kund Waterfall is located in the Kaimur district of Bihar state, India. It is situated near the Telhar village, which is located on the Kaimur plateau, and it is a popular tourist spot in the region. The waterfall is around 100 feet high and it is surrounded by beautiful greenery. It is one of the most beautiful waterfall in Bihar and is a popular spot for trekking, photography and picnics.
Nawada, Rohtas, and Sasaram are also districts of Bihar state, but Telhar Kund Waterfall is not located in those districts.
33. Which is the Asia’s largest and freshwater oxbow lake in Bihar?
(A) Kanwar Lake
(B) Anupam Lake
(C) Kusheshwar Lake
(D) Ghogha Lake
(E) None of the above/More than one of the Above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Kusheshwar Lake is considered as the Asia’s largest freshwater oxbow lake in Bihar, India. It is situated in the Kusheshwar Asthan village of the Darbhanga district, which is located in the north-eastern part of the state.
The lake is formed by the meandering of the Kusheshwar river and is an important site for migratory birds. The lake is surrounded by lush green vegetation and it is a popular spot for boating and fishing. The lake is also known for its religious significance, as a temple dedicated to Lord Kusheshwar is located on its bank.
Kanwar Lake, Anupam Lake and Ghogha Lake are also lakes found in Bihar, but they are not Asia’s largest freshwater oxbow lake.
34. Which district of Bihar has the largest gold reserve?
(A) Jamui
(B) Banka
(C) Katihar
(D) Munger
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: Bihar has 222.885 million tonnes of gold metal, which is 44% of the country’s total gold reserves. Jamui district has the largest reserve.
35. Which district of Bihar is known as ‘Silk’ city’?
(A) Bhojpur
(B) Bhagalpur
(C) Banka
(D) Katihar
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Bhagalpur is a district in the state of Bihar, India, known as the “Silk City” due to its historical association with the silk industry. The district is famous for its Tussar silk, which is also known as “Bhagalpuri Tussar” and is known for its quality and texture. The district is home to several silk production units and is a major center for the production and export of silk products. The silk industry of Bhagalpur is a major contributor to the economy of the district.
36. What is the female literacy rate of Bihar as per the Census 2011 of India?
(A) 71.25%
(B) 50.50%
(C) 51.50%.
(D) 61.10%
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
About Female Literacy Rate
The female literacy rate is a statistical measure that represents the percentage of women in a given population who are able to read and write. It is typically calculated by dividing the number of literate females by the total number of females in a population, and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.
Female literacy rate is considered as one of the key indicators of a country’s social and economic development, as it is closely related to factors such as economic growth, poverty reduction, and improved health and education outcomes.
The higher the female literacy rate, the greater the ability of women to participate in the workforce and contribute to the development of their communities and nations.
37. Which is the chief heavenly body of Solar system?
(A) Jupiter
(B) Saturn
(C) Sun
(D) Earth
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: Sun is the chief heavenly body of the Solar System.
The Solar System is the collection of all celestial bodies that orbit around the Sun. It includes the Sun, the planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune), dwarf planets (Ceres, Pluto, and Eris), and other celestial bodies such as asteroids and comets. The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago from the collapse of a giant cloud of gas and dust. The Sun is the center of the Solar System and is responsible for providing light and heat to the planets. The planets orbit the Sun in elliptical paths and are held in place by the Sun’s gravity.

38. Which elements are abundant in the formation of interior layer of the earth?
(A) Silica and magnesium
(B) Basalt and silica
(C) Nickel and ferrum
(D) Silica and aluminium
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: The interior layer of Earth is made up of Nickel and Iron.
39. Who among the following postulated the concept of geographical cycle of erosion?
(A) W. M. Davis
(B) S. W. Wooldridge
(C) Kober
(D) A. Holmes
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: W. M. Davis postulated the concept of the geographical cycle of erosion.
The cycle of erosion theory, also known as the Davisian cycle of erosion, was proposed by American geographer and geologist William Morris Davis in the late 19th and early 20th century. The theory states that landforms, such as mountains and valleys, go through a predictable series of stages or cycles of erosion.
According to Davis, the cycle of erosion begins with the uplift of land, which is then exposed to weathering and erosion by rivers and streams. The eroded material is transported downstream and deposited, forming a plain or peneplain. Over time, the plain is uplifted again and the cycle begins anew.
The cycle of erosion theory proposed by Davis is a model to explain the evolution of landforms, but it has been criticized for being too simplistic and not taking into account other factors such as tectonics, climate change, and human activity. Despite this, Davis’s ideas have been influential in the field of geomorphology and still have some relevance today.
40. In which hemisphere, roaring forties, furious fifties and shrieking sixties are blowing?
(A) Southern Hemisphere
(B) Eastern Hemisphere
(C) Western Hemisphere
(D) Northern Hemisphere
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Roaring Forties, Furious Fifties, and Shrieking Sixties are winds that blow in the Southern Hemisphere. These strong westerly winds blow in the latitudes between 40 and 60 degrees south, and are known for their high speeds and unpredictable nature. They are caused by the combination of the Earth’s rotation and the lack of land masses in the Southern Hemisphere to disrupt the flow of air.
The Roaring Forties refer to the latitudes between 40 and 50 degrees south, the Furious Fifties between 50 and 60 degrees south and the Shrieking Sixties between 60 and 70 degrees south.
41. Generally how many sessions are there in the Lok Sabha?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 3
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: There are typically three sessions in a year. A session contains many meetings. The process of calling all members of the Parliament to meet is called Summoning of Parliament. It is the President who summons Parliament.
42. Who was the Chairman of the First Law Commission in Independent India?
(A) Justice V, K. Sundaram
(B) Justice T. V . Venkatarama Aiyar
(C) Mr. M. C. Setalvad
(D) Justice J. L. Kapur
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: The first Law Commission in India was formed in 1955 with its chairman being the then Attorney-General of India, M. C. Setalvad.
43. If ‘One Nation One Election’ is to be realized in India, which Article of the Indian Constitution will require an amendment?
(A) Article 172
(B) Article 356
(C) Article 246
(D) Article 83
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (E)
Solution: If “One Nation One Election” is to be implemented in India, it would likely require an amendment to Article 83 and Article 172 of the Indian Constitution.
44. Which State does not have Panchayat system?
(A) Mizoram
(B) Meghalaya
(C) Kerala
(D) Nagaland
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (E)
Solution: Currently, the Panchayati Raj system exists in all states except Nagaland, Meghalaya, and Mizoram, and in all Union Territories except Delhi.
45. The division of each State into territorial constituencies for the Lok Sabha is done by the Delimitation Commission. This delimitation has been freezed till which year?
(A) 2025
(B) 2026
(C) 2027
(D) 2024
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (B)
Solution: Following the 84th amendment to the Constitution, in 2002, Delimitation is to be done after 2026 if not postponed.
46. The Supreme Court is
(A) protector of human rights
(B) final interpreter of the Constitution
(C) civil court
(D) federal court
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (E)
Solution: Both options B and D are correct.
In India, the Supreme Court acts as the final interpreter of the Constitution. The Supreme Court has the power to interpret the Constitution and to ensure that the government and other institutions abide by it. It also has the power to strike down any laws that are found to be unconstitutional. Additionally, the Supreme Court can hear cases related to the enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Further, Supreme Court has the jurisdiction over the entire country and it is the federal court of the country.
47. To review the financial position of Panchayats, the State Government constitutes every five years a/an
(A) finance committee
(B) advisory commission
(C) advisory committee
(D) finance commission
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (D)
Solution: The state government constitutes a finance commission every five years to review the financial position of Panchayats. The Finance Commission is a statutory body, which is appointed by the Governor of the state.
It is responsible for making recommendations to the state government regarding the distribution of financial resources between the state and the Panchayats. It also makes recommendations on the principles that should govern grants-in-aid to Panchayats and other local bodies.
The recommendations of the Finance Commission are usually accepted by the state government and are binding on it.
48. What is the objective of community development?
(A) Build human capital
(B) Environment protection
(C) Harmonious life
(D) Economic development
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (E)
Solution: The Community Development Program (CDP) was a rural development program implemented in India in the 1950s. The program aimed to improve the economic and social conditions of rural communities by promoting agricultural and industrial development, as well as by providing basic services such as healthcare, education, and housing.
The program was implemented by the government through the Community Development Blocks (CDBs), which were administrative units established at the taluk (a sub-division of a district) level. The CDBs were responsible for the implementation of the program and for the coordination of various development activities.
The CDP was later replaced by other rural development programs such as the Integrated Rural Development Program (IRDP) and the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA).
49. Electoral College for the 16th Vice Presidential Election of India for 2022 consists of how many members?
(A) 788
(B) 545
(C) 250
(D) 798
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (A)
Solution: The Vice President of India is elected by an electoral college consisting of members of both houses of the Indian Parliament.
50. The Indian President is eligible for re-election for how many times?
(A) Twice
(B) Thrice
(C) Any number of times
(D) Once
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Ans: (C)
Solution: The President of India is eligible to be re-elected for any number of times.