The Speaker of Lok Sabha is an important position that holds significant power and responsibility in the functioning of the Indian Parliament. The Speaker is responsible for ensuring the smooth conduct of parliamentary proceedings in the lower house of the Indian Parliament.

Election of the Speaker:
The election of the Speaker is a crucial event that takes place in the first session of every new Lok Sabha. The Speaker is elected by the members of Lok Sabha from amongst themselves. Before the election, the Pro-tem Speaker conducts the proceedings, during which the newly elected members take the oath of office. Once the oath-taking is complete, the Pro-tem Speaker conducts the election of the Speaker.
Presiding over the House:
The Speaker of Lok Sabha presides over the sessions of the house and ensures that the debates and discussions are conducted in an orderly and democratic manner. The Speaker has the authority to maintain order and decorum in the house and can expel any member who violates the rules of the house. The Speaker also has the power to adjourn or suspend the proceedings of the house in case of a disruption.
The Speaker plays an important role in decision-making related to the functioning of the house. The Speaker decides the agenda of the house, gives permission for the introduction of bills, and determines the time allotted for debates and discussions. The Speaker also has the power to permit urgent discussions and debates on matters of national importance.
Casting Vote:
The Speaker of Lok Sabha has the power to cast a deciding vote in case of a tie. This power of the Speaker is important in situations where the vote is evenly split, and a decision needs to be made. The Speaker’s vote is final and cannot be challenged.
Maintaining Neutrality:
The Speaker of Lok Sabha is required to maintain neutrality and impartiality while presiding over the house. The Speaker cannot participate in the debates or discussions in the house and has to maintain an unbiased stance. The Speaker has to ensure that all members are given an equal opportunity to express their views on any matter.
Committee Memberships:
The Speaker of Lok Sabha is a member of various parliamentary committees, including the Business Advisory Committee, the General Purposes Committee, and the Rules Committee. These committees help in the smooth functioning of the house and ensure that the interests of all members are protected.
Protecting the Interests of the House:
The Speaker of Lok Sabha is responsible for protecting the interests of the house and its members. The Speaker has the power to give rulings on matters related to parliamentary privileges and can punish members for breach of privilege. The Speaker also has the power to disqualify a member of the house in case of a violation of parliamentary rules.
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