Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Corrasion : Meaning| Types| Impact [2023]

Corrasion is a geological process that involves the wearing down of river channel by the running water. This process is responsible for the creation of geological features such as Potholes, gorges, and valleys. It is a significant factor in the formation of landforms and shapes the landscape over time. In this article, we will explore the process of corrasion and its impact on the environment.


What is Corrasion?

It is the process by which rocks are broken down and worn away by the action of other materials. This process can occur through the movement of sediment, water, or ice. In most cases, corrasion is caused by the action of water or wind, which erodes rocks and other materials over time. In some cases, corrasion can also be caused by the impact of rocks and debris that are carried along by water or ice.

It can have a significant impact on the environment, as it can create new landforms and shape the landscape over time. This process is responsible for the creation of valleys, canyons, and gorges, as well as the erosion of coastlines and cliffs. Corrasion can also cause damage to infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings.

How does Corrasion occur?

Corrasion occurs when rocks are broken down and worn away by the action of other materials. This process can occur through the movement of sediment, water, or ice. In most cases, corrasion is caused by the action of water or wind, which erodes rocks and other materials over time. In some cases, corrasion can also be caused by the impact of rocks and debris that are carried along by water or ice.

Water Corrasion

Water corrasion is one of the most common forms of corrasion. This process occurs when water flows over rocks and other materials, causing them to be worn away over time. Water corrasion can be caused by a number of factors, including the speed and force of the water, the shape of the rocks, and the presence of sediment in the water. Water corrasion can create a variety of landforms, including canyons, gorges, and valleys.

Wind Corrasion

It is another form of corrasion that occurs when wind blows over rocks and other materials, causing them to be worn away over time. Wind corrasion can be caused by a number of factors, including the speed and direction of the wind, the size and shape of the rocks, and the amount of sediment in the air. Wind corrasion can create a variety of landforms, including sand dunes and rock formations.

Ice Corrasion

It occurs when glaciers or ice sheets move over rocks and other materials, causing them to be worn away over time. Ice corrasion can be caused by a number of factors, including the size and weight of the glacier, the speed and direction of its movement, and the shape and hardness of the rocks. Ice corrasion can create a variety of landforms, including glacial valleys and fjords.

Impact of Corrasion on the Environment

It can have a significant impact on the environment, as it can create new landforms and shape the landscape over time. This process is responsible for the creation of valleys, canyons, and gorges, as well as the erosion of coastlines and cliffs. It can also cause damage to infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings.


It is a natural process that plays an important role in shaping the landscape over time. While this process can have significant impacts on the environment, there are steps that can be taken to mitigate its effects. By understanding the factors that contribute to corrasion and implementing strategies to prevent or minimize its impact, we can protect the natural beauty of our planet for generations to come.


  • Corrasion is the geological process of wearing down rock surfaces, cliffs, and coastlines by the movement of sediment, water, or ice.
  • Water, wind, and ice are the main causes of it, each creating different landforms such as canyons, valleys, and fjords.
  • It has a significant impact on the environment, creating new landforms and shaping the landscape over time, but can also damage infrastructure and disrupt wildlife habitats.
  • Preventative measures such as stabilizing soil and vegetation, installing protective structures, and planting native species can mitigate the impacts of it.
  • Finally, it can contribute to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.



Q. What is corrasion?
A) The geological process of building up rock surfaces
B) The geological process of wearing down rock surfaces
C) The geological process of moving sediment across the landscape
D) The geological process of melting ice on rock surfaces
Answer: B) The geological process of wearing down rock surfaces. It is the process of abrasion caused by the movement of sediment, water, or ice that can wear down rock surfaces.

Q. What are the main causes of corrasion?
A) Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes
B) Water, wind, and ice
C) Fire, drought, and hurricanes
D) Landslides, avalanches, and floods
Answer: B) Water, wind, and ice. Water, wind, and ice are the main causes of it, each creating different landforms such as canyons, valleys, and fjords.

Q. How can corrasion impact wildlife habitats?
A) By destroying important nesting grounds for birds and sea turtles
B) By altering the distribution of plant species
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B
Answer: C) Both A and B. It can impact wildlife habitats by altering the landscape, which can lead to the displacement of animals and plants, and destroying important nesting grounds for birds and sea turtles.

Q. What are some preventative measures for corrasion?
A) Planting native species with deep root systems
B) Installing sea walls and breakwaters
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B
Answer: C) Both A and B. Preventative measures can include stabilizing soil and vegetation by planting native species with deep root systems, and installing protective structures such as sea walls and breakwaters.

Q. How can corrasion contribute to climate change?
A) By releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
B) By absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
C) By creating new landforms that contribute to global warming
D) Neither A nor B
Answer: A) By releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It can contribute to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as rocks and other materials are worn away. This process can contribute to the greenhouse effect, which is a major driver of global warming.

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