Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Divisibility Rule of 11

Divisibility Rule of 11

  1. Take the number you want to check for divisibility by 11.
  2. Starting from the rightmost digit, multiply each digit alternatively by 1 and -1, moving from right to left.
  3. Add up all the resulting values.
  4. If the sum is divisible by 11 (including zero), then the original number is also divisible by 11. Otherwise, it is not divisible by 11.

Divisibility Rule of 11

Let’s illustrate this rule with an example:

Example: Determine if the number 935 is divisible by 11.

  1. Starting from the rightmost digit, multiply each digit alternatively by 1 and -1: 5 x 1 = 5 3 x -1 = -3 9 x 1 = 9
  2. Add up all the resulting values: 5 + (-3) + 9 = 11.
  3. The sum is 11, which is divisible by 11. Therefore, the original number 935 is divisible by 11.

Now, let’s try another example:

Example: Determine if the number 1,654 is divisible by 11.

  1. Starting from the rightmost digit, multiply each digit alternatively by 1 and -1: 4 x 1 = 4, 5 x -1 = -5, 6 x 1 = 6, 1 x -1 = -1
  2. Add up all the resulting values: 4 + (-5) + 6 + (-1) = 4.
  3. The sum is 4, which is not divisible by 11. Therefore, the original number 1,654 is not divisible by 11.
Divisibility Check

Divisibility Check

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