Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Estimates Committee

The Estimates Committee is one of the most important committees in the Indian parliamentary system. This committee is constituted by the Lok Sabha every year to examine the budget proposals presented by the government. The committee is responsible for scrutinizing the demands for grants of various ministries and departments and making recommendations to the Parliament.

Composition of the Estimates Committee

The Estimates Committee consists of thirty members of Parliament (Lok Sabha), with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha appointing one of them as the chairman. Members of the committee are appointed for a period of one year. The committee is empowered to examine the estimates of expenditure of various ministries and departments of the government and make recommendations to the Parliament.

Role and Function

The Estimates Committee plays a vital role in ensuring that government spending is accountable and transparent. The committee scrutinizes the budget proposals of the government in great detail, and its recommendations help to ensure that public funds are utilized effectively and efficiently. The committee’s work is critical in ensuring that the government’s budgetary proposals are in line with the needs of the country and that the funds allocated are used for the benefit of the people.

Report of the Estimates Committee

The committee’s recommendations are presented in the form of reports that are tabled in the Lok Sabha. These reports contain valuable insights and suggestions that help the Parliament in taking informed decisions on budgetary matters. The committee’s reports are often cited by policymakers, researchers, and civil society organizations while analyzing the government’s budgetary proposals.

The Estimates Committee’s work is an important aspect of the Indian parliamentary system’s accountability mechanism. The committee’s recommendations help to ensure that public funds are utilized efficiently and that the government’s spending is aligned with the country’s development priorities. As such, the committee plays a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in government spending, which is essential for the country’s sustainable development.

In conclusion, the Estimates Committee is a crucial component of the Indian parliamentary system. Its role in scrutinizing the government’s budget proposals, making recommendations, and promoting transparency in government spending is essential for the country’s development. As such, the committee’s work must be supported and strengthened to ensure that the country’s resources are utilized efficiently and effectively.

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