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How far the International influences helped for the growth of Extremist nationalism in India?

Q. How far the International influences helped for the growth of Extremist nationalism in India? 

Ans: The growth of extremist nationalism in India during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was influenced by a variety of factors, including international influences. While the movement was primarily driven by domestic socio-political and economic factors, certain international developments and ideas did contribute to its growth.

Ghadar Party How far the International influences helped for the growth of Extremist nationalism in India?

Role Played by International Factors

  1. Ideological Inspiration: Ideas of nationalism, democracy, and self-determination that were gaining momentum globally had an impact on Indian leaders and intellectuals. The successes of nationalist movements in other parts of the world, such as Europe and the Americas, served as a source of inspiration for Indian nationalists who sought similar goals of self-governance and freedom.
  2. Contact with Diaspora: The Indian diaspora, particularly in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and South Africa, had a significant role in nurturing nationalist sentiments. Indian students and professionals who studied or worked abroad were exposed to democratic ideals and movements, and some became vocal advocates for Indian self-determination upon their return.
  3. Influence of Western Political Thought: The writings of political thinkers like John Locke, Thomas Paine, and Rousseau, which emphasized individual rights, liberty, and equality, had an impact on Indian nationalist leaders. These ideas influenced the thinking of leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal, and Lala Lajpat Rai, who advocated for more radical and assertive forms of nationalism.
  4. Impact of World Wars: The two World Wars had indirect effects on Indian nationalism. India’s contribution to the British war efforts in terms of manpower and resources led to growing demands for political concessions and self-governance in return. Additionally, the wars created a power vacuum and weakened the colonial powers, making it a favorable time for nationalist movements across the world, including in India.
  5. Pan-Asian and Pan-African Movements: The rise of pan-Asian and pan-African movements, aimed at resisting colonialism and imperialism, had an impact on Indian nationalist thought. Leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru were influenced by these movements, emphasizing the need for solidarity among oppressed peoples and the rejection of foreign domination.
  6. Gandhi’s Experiences Abroad: Mahatma Gandhi’s experiences as a lawyer in South Africa exposed him to racial discrimination and oppression, which shaped his philosophy of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. His ideas and methods drew from international movements and were instrumental in shaping India’s struggle for independence.
  7. Spread of Information: The development of international communication networks and the spread of information through newspapers, books, and pamphlets allowed Indian nationalists to learn about and draw inspiration from global developments. This facilitated the exchange of ideas and strategies between Indian nationalists and other anti-colonial movements.

While international influences certainly played a role in shaping the mindset of Indian nationalist leaders and providing them with inspiration, it’s important to note that the Indian freedom struggle was deeply rooted in indigenous socio-economic and political conditions. The unique challenges and aspirations of the Indian people were the driving force behind the growth of extremist nationalism, with international influences serving as additional factors that contributed to the movement’s evolution.

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