Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Maratha domination over Odisha in the second half of the 18th century left the people dissatisfied even while it regenerated the culture. Comment.

Q. Maratha domination over Odisha in the second half of the 18th century left the people dissatisfied even while it regenerated the culture. Comment.

Ans: During the second half of the 18th century, the Marathas exerted their influence over Odisha, which had mixed consequences for the region and its people. While Maratha’s domination led to a regeneration of Odia culture, it also left the people dissatisfied due to various reasons.

Regeneration of Culture:

  1. Patronage of Arts and Literature: The Marathas, particularly under the rule of Raghunath Rao and Raghuji Bhonsle, encouraged arts, literature, and architecture. They provided patronage to poets, scholars, and artists, leading to a cultural revival in Odisha.
  2. Religious Revival: The Marathas also supported Hindu temples and institutions, contributing to the preservation and revitalization of religious practices and rituals in the region.
  3. Linguistic and Literary Contributions: Odia language and literature flourished during this period, and Odia poets composed many significant works, which enriched the cultural heritage of the region.

Dissatisfaction among the People:

  1. Exploitative Taxation: The Marathas imposed heavy taxes on the local population, which led to economic hardships and discontent among the people.
  2. Administrative Issues: Maratha rule brought administrative challenges, as local administrators sometimes acted in a corrupt and oppressive manner, causing grievances among the populace.
  3. Insecurity and Instability: The Marathas frequently clashed with other regional powers like the British and the Mughals, leading to an environment of insecurity and political instability in Odisha.

Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that Maratha domination was not uniform throughout the entire region, and the level of cultural regeneration and dissatisfaction varied in different areas of Odisha. Some regions might have experienced more significant cultural revival and less discontent, while others might have faced more exploitation and dissatisfaction.

It’s also essential to consider that the dissatisfaction with Maratha rule contributed to the eventual decline of their influence in Odisha. The British East India Company gradually replaced the Marathas as the dominant power in the region by the early 19th century.

In summary, Maratha domination in the second half of the 18th century did bring about a cultural regeneration in Odisha, promoting arts, literature, and religious practices. However, it also left the people dissatisfied due to oppressive taxation, administrative issues, and the overall instability caused by the Marathas’ political conflicts.

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