Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Would it be correct to say that the people of Odisha continuously rebelled against British domination? Comment.

Q. Would it be correct to say that the people of Odisha continuously rebelled against British domination? Comment. (OPSC OAS 2021, GS Ppaer 1, Q No. 1)

It would not be entirely accurate to say that the people of Odisha continuously rebelled against British domination throughout the entire period of British rule. While there were instances of resistance and rebellion against British rule in Odisha, it was not a constant or unbroken pattern.

During the British colonial period, which began in the late 18th century and lasted until India gained independence in 1947, there were sporadic uprisings and local rebellions in different parts of Odisha. Some of the notable instances include the Paika Rebellion of 1817, led by the Paiks (landed militia) against British East India Company rule, and the Chauri Chaura incident in 1922, where violence erupted during the Non-Cooperation Movement. These events demonstrate the existence of resistance against British rule in Odisha.

However, it is essential to note that large-scale, continuous, and coordinated rebellions on a statewide or sustained basis were not prevalent throughout the colonial period. The resistance was not uniform across the entire region and varied in intensity and form over time. Additionally, the British employed various strategies to maintain control, which sometimes suppressed dissent and curtailed organized rebellions.

Resistance against British rule was part of a larger nationwide struggle for independence, and Odisha, like other regions of India, witnessed its share of movements and resistance during this period. The Indian National Congress and other political organizations played a crucial role in mobilizing the masses and advocating for independence from British rule. The Quit India Movement in 1942 saw widespread participation from Odisha as well as other parts of the country.

In conclusion, while there were instances of rebellion and resistance in Odisha against British domination, it would not be accurate to characterize it as continuous and constant throughout the entire colonial period. The struggle for independence was marked by varying degrees of resistance and political activities, and the quest for freedom from British rule was a complex and evolving process.

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