Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Indian Economy

1. Introduction to Economics

2. Economic Systems

3. Sectors of Economy

4. National Income Accounting

5. Economic Growth and Development

6. Inflation

7. Fiscal Policy

8. Monetary Policy

8. Money Market

9. Government Budgeting

10. Inclusive Growth and Issues arising from it

  • Introduction to Inclusive Growth
  • Definition and Concept
  • Characteristics of Inclusive Growth
  • Importance of Inclusive Growth
  • Inequality and Poverty
  • Drivers of Inclusive Growth
  • Strategies for Inclusive Growth
  • Fiscal Policies
  • Structural Reforms
  • Education and Skill Development
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Social Protection Programs
  • Private Sector Engagement
  • Role of Government
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Challenges to Achieving Inclusive Growth
  • Criticisms of Inclusive Growth
  • Case Studies of Inclusive Growth
  • Conclusion and Future of Inclusive Growth.

11. Structure of Indian Economy

  • Introduction to the Structure of Indian Economy
  • Agriculture Sector
  • Industry Sector
  • Service Sector
  • Public Sector
  • Private Sector
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
  • Informal Sector
  • Organized Sector
  • Rural Economy
  • Urban Economy
  • Regional Disparities
  • Human Development Index (HDI)
  • Income Inequality
  • Role of Government in the Indian Economy
  • Economic Reforms and Structural Changes
  • Challenges and Opportunities in the Indian Economy
  • Future of the Indian Economy

12. Five Year Plans in India

13. Taxation System in India

14. Financial System in India

  • Overview of the Financial System in India
  • Banking Sector in India a. Commercial Banks b. Cooperative Banks c. Development Banks d. Payment Banks e. Small Finance Banks
  • Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) a. Overview of NBFCs b. Types of NBFCs c. Regulation of NBFCs
  • Capital Markets in India a. Stock Market b. Bond Market c. Derivatives Market
  • Insurance Sector in India a. Life Insurance b. General Insurance c. Health Insurance
  • Pension System in India a. Overview of the Pension System b. National Pension System (NPS) c. Employee Provident Fund (EPF)
  • Regulatory Bodies in India a. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) b. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) c. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI) d. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)
  • Financial Inclusion in India a. Overview of Financial Inclusion b. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) c. Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)
  • Recent Developments in the Indian Financial System
  • Challenges and Issues in the Indian Financial System
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook.

15. Infrastructure in India

  • Overview of Infrastructure in India
  • Transportation Infrastructure a. Roadways b. Railways c. Airways d. Waterways
  • Energy Infrastructure a. Power Generation b. Transmission and Distribution c. Renewable Energy
  • Communication Infrastructure a. Telecommunications b. Internet and Broadband c. Digital India Program
  • Urban Infrastructure a. Housing and Real Estate b. Water Supply and Sanitation c. Waste Management d. Smart Cities Mission
  • Rural Infrastructure a. Rural Roads b. Rural Electrification c. Irrigation and Agriculture d. Rural Housing
  • Industrial Infrastructure a. Industrial Parks and Zones b. SEZs (Special Economic Zones) c. Logistics and Warehousing
  • Social Infrastructure a. Healthcare Facilities b. Educational Institutions c. Cultural Institutions
  • Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Infrastructure a. Overview of PPP in India b. Models of PPP c. Benefits and Challenges of PPP
  • Recent Developments in Infrastructure in India
  • Challenges and Issues in Infrastructure Development in India
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook.

16. Indian Industries And Economic Growth

  • Overview of Indian Industries and Economic Growth
  • Agriculture Sector a. Overview of Agriculture in India b. Crop Production c. Animal Husbandry d. Fisheries
  • Manufacturing Sector a. Overview of Manufacturing in India b. Automobile Industry c. Textile Industry d. Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Service Sector a. Overview of Services in India b. Information Technology Industry c. Tourism Industry d. Financial Services Industry
  • Infrastructure and Economic Growth a. Overview of Infrastructure in India b. Role of Infrastructure in Economic Growth
  • Globalization and Economic Growth a. Overview of Globalization in India b. Impact of Globalization on Economic Growth
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Growth a. Overview of FDI in India b. Impact of FDI on Economic Growth
  • Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Economic Growth a. Overview of SMEs in India b. Role of SMEs in Economic Growth
  • Government Policies and Economic Growth a. Overview of Government Policies in India b. Impact of Government Policies on Economic Growth
  • Challenges and Issues in Indian Industries and Economic Growth
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook.

17. Foreign Trade And International Organizations

  • Overview of Foreign Trade and International Organizations
  • International Trade Agreements a. World Trade Organization (WTO) b. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) c. Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs)
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and International Organizations a. International Monetary Fund (IMF) b. World Bank c. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • Balance of Payments and International Organizations a. Current Account b. Capital Account c. Role of International Organizations in Balance of Payments
  • Export Promotion and International Organizations a. Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) b. Indian Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) c. Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO)
  • Import Regulation and International Organizations a. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) b. Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
  • India’s Participation in Global Trade and International Organizations a. India’s Export Performance b. India’s Import Trends c. India’s Position in the Global Trading System
  • Challenges and Issues in Foreign Trade and International Organizations
  • Government Policies and Foreign Trade a. Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) b. Make in India Initiative
  • Conclusion and Future Outlook.

18. Poverty and Unemployment

Poverty in India

  • Definition of Poverty
  • Poverty Statistics
  • Causes of Poverty in India
  • Effects of Poverty in India
  • Government Policies to Alleviate Poverty
  • NGOs and Other Organizations Fighting Poverty in India
  • Future Outlook for Poverty Reduction in India

Unemployment in India

  • Definition of Unemployment
  • Unemployment Statistics in India
  • Causes of Unemployment in India
  • Effects of Unemployment in India
  • Government Policies to Address Unemployment
  • Skill Development Programs in India
  • Role of Technology in Creating Employment Opportunities
  • Future Outlook for Employment in India.

Public Sector in India

I. Introduction to the Indian Economy: A. Overview of the Indian economy B. Historical background of the Indian economy C. Major economic reforms in India

II. Macroeconomic Overview of India: A. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) B. Inflation C. Balance of Payments D. Monetary and fiscal policies

III. Sectoral Analysis of the Indian Economy: A. Agriculture B. Industry C. Services D. Role of the government in different sectors

IV. Demographic and Social Issues in the Indian Economy: A. Population growth and demographics B. Poverty and inequality C. Education and health D. Labor market and unemployment

V. International Trade and Globalization: A. Overview of Indian trade B. India’s trade relations with other countries C. Impact of globalization on the Indian economy

VI. Financial Sector in India: A. Banking and non-banking financial institutions B. Capital markets and securities market C. Insurance sector

VII. Challenges and Opportunities in the Indian Economy: A. Challenges facing the Indian economy B. Opportunities for growth and development C. Future outlook for the Indian economy