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Licchavi Lyceum

Pabna Revolt

The Pabna Revolt is also known as the Pabna Agrarian Uprising, was a significant socio-political movement that took place in the Pabna district of Bengal during the British colonial era. This historic event occurred from 1872 to 1876, stands as an example of spirit of the local peasantry and their fight against oppressive land tenure systems.

Pabna Revolt
Pabna Revolt

Background and Causes of Pabna Revolt

The Pabna Revolt can be traced back to the exploitative land revenue policies imposed by the British colonial administration. The peasants in the Pabna district were burdened by exorbitant rents, arbitrary taxation, and forced labor obligations, leading to widespread poverty and distress. This oppressive system, coupled with the excessive powers wielded by local zamindars (landlords), sparked deep-rooted resentment among the rural population.

Sparking the Revolt

The uprising was triggered by the widespread eviction of tenant farmers and the threat of losing their ancestral lands due to the Permanent Settlement Act of 1793. Led by charismatic leaders such as Sheikh Fazlul Haque and Dudu Miyan, the aggrieved peasants organized themselves and launched a mass resistance against the oppressive policies.

Key Events and Resistance

The Pabna Revolt witnessed numerous acts of resistance, including non-payment of rents, organized protests, and strikes. Peasant associations were formed to strengthen collective bargaining power and to provide a unified front against the oppressive authorities. The movement gained momentum as thousands of peasants rallied together, defying the odds and demanding justice.

British Suppression and Aftermath

The British authorities responded to the uprising with brute force, attempting to crush the revolt through repression and violence. However, the resilience of the peasants persevered, and their determination to secure their rights and improve their living conditions remained unbroken. The Pabna Revolt not only brought attention to the plight of the rural population but also became a rallying point for similar movements across Bengal.

Legacy and Impact of Pabna Revolt

Despite the eventual suppression of the revolt, the Pabna Revolt left an indelible mark on the socio-political landscape of Bengal. The uprising exposed the exploitative nature of the colonial land tenure system and helped galvanize subsequent agrarian movements, leading to reforms in the agricultural sector. The struggle of the Pabna peasants paved the way for future agrarian movements and played a pivotal role in shaping the fight for land rights and social justice in the region.


The Pabna Revolt stands as a testament to the resilience, unity, and unwavering spirit of the oppressed rural population. It serves as a reminder of the enduring struggle for justice and the power of collective action in the face of injustice. The revolt not only brought attention to the grievances of the peasants but also served as a catalyst for broader agrarian movements in Bengal. The Pabna Revolt continues to inspire generations, reminding us of the ongoing fight for land rights and social equality.

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