Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Swaminathan Report

The Swaminathan Report refers to the report of the National Commission on Farmers in India, which was headed by Dr. M. S. Swaminathan. The commission was established in 2004 by the Indian government to address the pressing issues faced by farmers in the country, including declining profitability, rural poverty, and environmental degradation.

The Swaminathan Report emphasized the need for a comprehensive approach to agriculture that includes improved access to inputs such as seeds, water, and credit, as well as better market opportunities and higher prices for agricultural products. The report also stressed the importance of preserving the country’s natural resources and protecting the environment by promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

One of the key recommendations of the report was the implementation of a “Minimum Support Price” (MSP) for agricultural products, which would ensure that farmers receive a fair price for their crops. This would help to stabilize farm income and reduce the risk associated with agriculture.

The Swaminathan Report also recommended the promotion of decentralized decision-making, with greater involvement of farmers in the planning and implementation of agricultural programs. This would help to ensure that farmers’ needs and perspectives are taken into account when policy is being developed.

In conclusion, the Swaminathan Report serves as an important reference for policymakers and stakeholders in the agriculture sector in India. Its recommendations have had a significant impact on the country’s agricultural policies and have helped to improve the livelihoods of millions of farmers in India.