The Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha was a peasant organization that played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement. Established in 1929, the Sabha was founded by the communist leader Swami Sahajanand Saraswati and a group of other peasant leaders in Bihar. The Sabha aimed to unite the poor and landless peasants of Bihar and fight for their rights and interests.

The Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha quickly gained popularity among the peasants of Bihar. Its leaders traveled to different parts of the state, organizing meetings and rallies to educate the peasants about their rights and mobilize them for political action. The Sabha’s primary goal was to address the grievances of the peasants, who were facing widespread poverty, indebtedness, and landlessness.
One of the key campaigns of the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha was the struggle for the abolition of the Zamindari system. Under this system, landlords or zamindars were given control over large tracts of land, which they could then rent out to tenants. The tenants were often forced to pay exorbitant rents and were subject to exploitation and oppression by the zamindars. The Kisan Sabha organized numerous protests and strikes to demand the abolition of this system and the transfer of land to the peasants.
Another important campaign of the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha was the fight against the British colonial government’s oppressive policies. The Sabha organized rallies and demonstrations against the British government’s exploitation of India’s resources and the imposition of heavy taxes on the peasants. The Sabha also demanded that the Indian government be run by Indians and not by the British.
The Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha played a crucial role in the Indian independence movement. The Sabha’s leaders and members actively participated in the civil disobedience movement and the Quit India movement, which aimed to end British colonial rule in India. The Sabha’s grassroots organizing and mobilizing of the peasants helped to strengthen the independence movement and bring the struggle for freedom to the masses.
Today, the Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha continues to play a role in Indian politics. The Sabha is now known as the Bihar Kisan Sabha and is a part of the All India Kisan Sabha, which is one of the largest organizations representing the interests of farmers in India. The Sabha continues to fight for the rights and interests of farmers and peasants, demanding better prices for their produce and greater access to credit and other resources.
In conclusion, it was an important organization in the Indian independence movement. Its leaders and members fought tirelessly for the rights and interests of the poor and landless peasants of Bihar. Their struggle against the zamindari system and the British colonial government’s oppressive policies helped to pave the way for India’s independence and continues to inspire farmers and peasants in India today.