Indian Polity One Liner Notes
- Which article authorises Parliament to change the boundary of the States? – Article 3
- When the fundamental duties of citizens were added in the Constitution? – 1976
- What was the total strength of the Constituent Assembly? – 389
- In India, separation of judiciary from executive is enjoined by which provision of the constitution? – Directive Principle of State Policy
- The candidate contesting the election for the post of vice president of India must be eligible for being a member of which house of Parliament? – Rajya Sabha
- What is the strength of estimate committee? – 30
- Who forms the parliamentary committee? – President
- Who authorizes the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India? – Parliament
- What happens if vote on account is not passed by the Lok Sabha? – Government Resigns
- Who passes the vote on account? – Lok Sabha
- In which house the ‘no confidence motion’ can be moved in which house? – Lok Sabha
- To whom the parliamentary committee report? – Speaker
- What is the minimum duration between two no confidence motions? – Six months
- The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired from which Constitution? – Erstwhile USSR
- Which article has the provision of separation of the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State? – Article 50
- Following the French practice, who was elected as the ‘temporary’ President of the Constituent Assembly? – Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha
- Who was elected as President of the Assembly respectively? – Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Who cannot be impeached? – Governor
- How many members are nominated by Governor from the Anglo Indian Community to Vidhan Sabha? – one
- Who was elected as Vice-President of the Constituent Assembly? – H C Mukherjee
- Who was appointed as the Constitutional advisor to the Assembly- Sir B N Rau
- Under which part the fundamental duties have been mentioned? – Part IVA
- What is the name of the committed that was appointed to review the anti-defection law? – Dinesh Goswami Committee
- Which article declares that all laws that are inconsistent with or in derogation of any of the fundamental rights shall be void- Article 13
- Who moved the objective resolution? – Pandit Nehru
- CAG retires at what age? – 65 years
- What is the tenure of CAG? – 06 years
- Who was the chairman of Union Powers Committee? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
- What was the subject matter of Malimath Committee? – Criminal Justice System in India
- Which Article of the constitution says that the state shall endeavor to adopt a uniform civil code- Article 44
- The provision for Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour is contained in – Article 23
- Which is the largest Committee of the Parliament? – The Estimate Committee
- Which article provides power to the election commission to conduct elections in India? – Article 324
- Which article authorises Parliament to change the boundary of the States? – Article 3
- When the fundamental duties of citizens were added in the Constitution? – 1976
- What was the total strength of the Constituent Assembly? – 389
- In India, separation of judiciary from executive is enjoined by which provision of the constitution? – Directive Principle of State Policy
- Who is the largest producer of Almond in the world? – USA
- Who is the largest producer of banana in the world? – India
- Who is the largest producer of Apples in the world? – China
- How many times has the President declared a National Emergency? – three times
- If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation- Vice President
- What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India? – There is no maximum age limit.
- In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session – Speaker of Lok Sabha
- How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution? – Three
- In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency? – never
- To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life is enshrined in- Article 48 A
- How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post? – as many times as he wants.
- Within what time frame, all the ordinances issued by the president (during the recess of the Parliament) must be approved by the Parliament? – within- six weeks after its reassembly
- Who elects the Vice President of India? – Members of Parliament (both elected and nominated)
- What is the maximum possible strength of the Rajya Sabha? – 250
- How many members are there in Rajya Sabha? – 245
- Who decides on any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India? – Supreme Court
- From where the parliamentary system of the Government of India has been adopted? – British Constitution
- Which Parliamentary Committee scrutinizes the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India? – Public Accounts Committee
- To Whom the PAC submits its annual report? – President
- Who is selected as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Indian Parliament? – Leader of the opposition party
- Who is currently heading the Public Accounts Committee? – Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
- How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the president? – 12
- Who has the authority for suspension and revocation of suspension in the Rajya Sabha? – Rajya Sabha itself
- Who has the power to suspend a member of the house for disruption in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
- Who cannot nullify the suspension of members in Lok Sabha? – Lok Sabha itself
- What is the strength of the Public Accounts Committee? – 22 members.
- What is the tenure of the members of Rajya Sabha? – six years
- Which is the competent body which sets the conditions for obtaining citizenship – Parliament
- Who has the power to create All India Services –Rajya Sabha (by two third majority)
- How many members from Lok Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 15
- To whom the Parliamentary Affairs Committee submits its reports? – President
- Who appoints the chairman of Public Accounts Committee? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
- What is the current strength of Rajya Sabha? – 245
- To whom the Cabinet is collectively responsible? – Lok Sabha
- The bill sent to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament has to be passed – by a simple majority of the members present.
- How many members from Rajya Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 7
- Who is regarded as the head of the state in India? – President
- The candidate contesting the election for the post of vice president of India must be eligible for being a member of which house of Parliament? – Rajya Sabha
- What is the strength of estimate committee? – 30
- Who is the largest committee of the parliament? – Estimate committee
- Who forms the parliamentary committee? – President
- Who authorizes the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India? – Parliament
- What happens if vote on account is not passed by the Lok Sabha? – Government Resigns
- Who passes the vote on account? – Lok Sabha
- In which house the ‘no confidence motion’ can be moved in which house? – Lok Sabha
- To whom the parliamentary committee report? – Speaker
- Who is the chairman of Business Advisory Committee, the Rules Committee and the General Purpose Committee in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
- What is the minimum duration between two no confidence motions? – Six months
- The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired from which Constitution? – Erstwhile USSR
- Which article has the provision of separation of the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the State? – Article 50
- Following the French practice, who was elected as the ‘temporary’ President of the Constituent Assembly? – Sachchidanand Sinha
- Who was elected as President of the Assembly respectively? – Rajendra Prasad
- Who cannot be impeached? – Governor
- How many members are nominated by Governor from the Anglo Indian Community to Vidhan Sabha? – one
- Who was elected as Vice-President of the Constituent Assembly? – H C Mukherjee
- Who was appointed as the Constitutional advisor to the Assembly- Sir B N Rau
- Under which part the fundamental duties have been mentioned? – Part IVA
- What is the name of the committed that was appointed to review the anti-defection law? – Dinesh Goswami Committee
- Which article declares that all laws that are inconsistent with or in derogation of any of the fundamental rights shall be void- Article 13
- Who moved the objective resolution? – Pandit Nehru
- CAG retires at what age? – 65 years
- What is the tenure of CAG? – 06 years
- Who was the chairman of Union Powers Committee? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
- What was the subject matter of Malimath Committee? – Criminal Justice System in India
- Which Article of the constitution says that the state shall endeavor to adopt a uniform civil code- Article 44
- The provision for Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour is contained in – Article 23
- Which is the largest Committee of the Parliament? – The Estimate Committee
- Article 371-A makes special provisions for which state? – Nagaland
- What is the name of the committee that recommended the establishment of the Committee on Public Undertakings? – Krishna Menon Committee
- Who was the chairman of Union Constitution Committee? –Jawahar Lala Nehru
- What is the strength of the Committee on Public Undertakings? – 22
- What were the three key words that were added in the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional amendment act, 1976? – Socialist, Secular, and Integrity
- Provisions of Fundamental Rights have been borrowed from which country? – USA
- When was the Constituent Assembly for undivided India first met? – 9th December, 1946
- Who moves the public bill? – Minster
- Which article of the constitution defines the money bill? – Article 110
- Directive Principles of State Policy has been derived from which constitution? – Irish Constitutions
- Who was the chairman of Provincial Constitution Committee? – Sardar Patel
- Who was the chairman of the National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC)? – N. Venkatachaliah
- The resolution to form new All India Services must be passed by Rajya Sabha by which type of majority- Special Majority
- Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee? – B R Ambedkar
- Who was the chairman of Committee on Fundamental Rights? – Sardar Patel
- Who was the chairman of Union Powers Committee? – Jawahar Lal Nehru
- Who was the chairman of Steering Committee? – K M Munshi
- Who said “The preamble of India is the Keynote of the Constitution”- Ernest Barker
- Who takes the oath of upholding the constitution? – SC and HC judges
- Who takes the oath of preserving, protecting, and defending the Constitution? – President and Governor
- Who takes the oath of bearing true faith and allegiance to the Constitution and abiding by it? – Ministers
- What are the Key Words explicitly mentioned in the Preamble of India? – Democratic, Sovereign, Socialist
- Which article deal with the election of vice president? – Article 66
- Which type of duty is levied by the union government but collected and kept by the state government? – Stamp Duty
- Central Government Schemes like MGNREGA has been framed in accordance with which article of the constitution? – Article 41
- Provincial autonomy is the feature of which act? – Government of India- Act, 1935.
- Was K M Munshi a member of Drafting committee? – Yes
- Which State has no Panchayati Raj Institution at all? – Nagaland
- Which proclamation of National Emergency automatically suspends? – Right to freedom
- For how long the ordinance issued by the Governor will remain in force without the approval of the State Legislature – six weeks
- Who decides the number of Judges in a High Court? – President
- Salary and allowances of the ex-officio officials of India are mentioned in which schedule of the Constitution – Second Schedule
- What does the expression ‘gram Sabha’ correctly represents? – the electoral college for the Panchayat
- The Ninth Schedule was added by which Amendment? – First
- Who is competent to prescribe conditions as for acquiring Indian citizenship? – Parliament
- In India, if a religious sect/community is given “the status of a national minority, what special advantages it is entitled to? – exclusive educational institution can be established
- Right to Information is a – Fundamental right
- The concept of concurrent list in the Indian Constitution is derived from the constitution of which country – Australia
- Which country has the largest constitution in the world – India
- On which date India became a Sovereign, democratic republic? – 26-Jan-1950
- The members of the Constituent were elected by? – the Legislative Assemblies of various provinces.
- Under which article of the constitution, the provision for National Emergency has been enshrined? – Article 352
- Under which article of the constitution, the provision for Financial emergency has been enshrined? – Article 360
- Under which article of the constitution, the provision for State emergency/ President rule has been enshrined? – Article 356
- In which case the arrest of common men during emergency was held legal during national emergency? – ADM Jabalpur Case
- The Constituent Assembly of India was formed on the recommendation of? – the Cabinet Mission
- Who elected the members of Constituent Assembly? – Legislative members of respective provinces
- To whom, the Union Public Service Commission presents its report? – President
- Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly of India? – Rajendra Prasad
- Which of the followings was a popular slogan of French revolution? – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
- How many times the Preamble of the Constitution was amended – once (in the year 1976 by 42nd CA)
- Where is the word ‘federal’ used in the Indian Constitution? – nowhere in the Constitution.
- Which committee was assigned to recommend reforms in the insurance sector? – Malhotra committee
- During the proclamation of National Emergency which articles cannot be suspended? – Articles 20 and 21
- In which account all revenues received by the Union Government by way of taxes and other receipts is credited? – Consolidated fund of India
- Article 1 of the Indian Constitution declares that “India means India” is – the Union of States
- When did the Indian Constitution come into force – January 26, 1950
- At the time of the creation of the Indian Constitution, who was the Constitutional Advisor of the Constituent Assembly – N. Rao
- In India, the concept of single citizenship has been adopted from? – England
- In which article of Indian constitution, provision has been made for reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes – Article 335
- Which committee recommended the Tribhasha Sutra? – Kothari Committee
- What happens if the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha? – Government Resigns
- Which part of the constitution deals with the provisions of citizenship? – Part II
- The Indian constitution had taken the concept of Federalism from? – Canada
- The finance commission is formed according to which article of the constitution? – Article 280
- What is the main function of Finance Commission? – Distribution of revenue between centre and States
- Who can change/ modify the recommendations of Delimitation Commission? – No one
- Who was the chairman of the drafting committee? – Ambedkar
- What are the basic features of the Indian Constitution that cannot be amended under Article 368? – Sovereignty, Territoriality, Integrity, Federal System, Judicial Review, Parliamentary System of Governance etc.
- Which schedule deal with the division of power between centre and the states? – 7th schedule
- Items in Central List: 100
- Items in State List: 66
- Items in Concurrent List: 52
- Who is the chairman of the Inter State Council? – Prime Minister
- Panchayat Secretary is appointed by- State government
- The bill for the local governance was introduced in the government of- Narsimha Rao
- Who recommended for the ‘two tier’ for of local governance in place of three tier form of governance.? – Ashok Mehta Committee (1977)
- Who recommended for participation by political parties at all levels? – Ashok Mehta Committee (1977)
- From which constitution are the fundamental rights in the Indian Constitution – American Constitution
- Which constitution was the first to introduce Preamble? – American Constitution
- Who talked about the constitutional safeguard to the local bodies? – L M Singhvi committee
- The first municipal corporation in India was set up at which place? – Madras
- In which case, Supreme Court specifically opined that Preamble is not a part of the Constitution? – Berubari case (1960)
- In which case, the Supreme Court held that Preamble is a part of the Constitution? – Kesavananda Bharati case (1973)
- How many fundamental rights were given initially? – seven
- How many fundamental rights are present now? – Six
- The right to freedom is mentioned in which articles of the Indian Constitution – Articles 19-22
- Who is regarded as father of local-self-government in India? – Lord Ripon
- Which article provides power to the election commission to conduct elections in India? – Article 324
- Which article authorises Parliament to change the boundary of the States? – Article 3
- When the fundamental duties of citizens were added in the Constitution? – 1976
- What was the total strength of the Constituent Assembly? – 389
- In India, separation of judiciary from executive is enjoined by which provision of the constitution? – Directive Principle of State Policy
- Who is the largest producer of Almond in the world? – USA
- Who is the largest producer of banana in the world? – India
- Who is the largest producer of Apples in the world? – China
- How many times has the President declared a National Emergency? – three times
- If the President wants to resign, to whom he will address his resignation- Vice President
- What is the maximum age limit set for the post of President of India? – There is no maximum age limit.
- In the event of a deadlock between the two houses of Parliament, who presides over the Joint Session – Speaker of Lok Sabha
- How many types of emergencies are there in the Constitution? – Three
- In India, how many times has the President declared a financial emergency? – never
- To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard forests and wild life is enshrined in- Article 48 A
- How many times the President of India can stand for re-election to his post? – as many times as he wants.
- Within what time frame, all the ordinances issued by the president (during the recess of the Parliament) must be approved by the Parliament? – within- six weeks after its reassembly
- Who elects the Vice President of India? – Members of Parliament (both elected and nominated)
- What is the maximum possible strength of the Rajya Sabha? – 250
- How many members are there in Rajya Sabha? – 245
- Who decides on any dispute regarding election of Vice President of India? – Supreme Court
- From where the parliamentary system of the Government of India has been adopted? – British Constitution
- Which Parliamentary Committee scrutinizes the report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India? – Public Accounts Committee
- To Whom the PAC submits its annual report? – President
- Who is selected as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Indian Parliament? – Leader of the opposition party
- Who is currently heading the Public Accounts Committee? – Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
- How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the president? – 12
- Who has the authority for suspension and revocation of suspension in the Rajya Sabha? – Rajya Sabha itself
- Who has the power to suspend a member of the house for disruption in Lok Sabha? – Speaker
- Who cannot nullify the suspension of members in Lok Sabha? – Lok Sabha itself
- What is the strength of the Public Accounts Committee? – 22 members.
- What is the tenure of the members of Rajya Sabha? – six years
- Which is the competent body which sets the conditions for obtaining citizenship – Parliament
- Who has the power to create All India Services –Rajya Sabha (by two third majority)
- How many members from Lok Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 15
- To whom the Parliamentary Affairs Committee submits its reports? – President
- Who appoints the chairman of Public Accounts Committee? – Speaker of Lok Sabha
- What is the current strength of Rajya Sabha? – 245
- To whom the Cabinet is collectively responsible? – Lok Sabha
- The bill sent to the joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament has to be passed – by a simple majority of the members present.
- How many members from Rajya Sabha is chosen to the Public Accounts Committee? – 7
- Who is regarded as the head of the state in India? – President
Thanks for reading Indian Polity One Liner Notes.

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