Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Geomorphology (Set 1)

Table of Contents


#1. Who coined the Phrase - "Give me the matter and I will build a world out of it"?

#2. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I (Concept) List II (Propounder)
A. Hot and rotating Nebula 1.T.(C) Chamberlin
B. Hard and Cold Nebula 2. Laplace
C. Companion Star 3.I. Kant
D. Planetesimal Hypothesis 4. H.N. Russel

#3. The Binary Star Hypothesis about the origin of the earth was pro pounded by

#4. Which one of the following state ments is not correct?

#5. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List I (Astronomer) List II (Nationality)
A. G. Kupier 1. American
B. James and Jeans 2. British
C. Laplace 3. French
D. O. Schimdt 4. German

#6. Which of the following statements is not correct?

#7. Consider the following statements select the correct answer using the given below:

1. The Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are known as terrestrial planet

2. The surface of the moon and the mercury have not been modified by hydrologic and tectonic systems.

3 Mars is characterised by crustal uplift, volcanism, stream erosion and eolian activity

4. the surface of Venus is affected by eolian and stream erosion

#8. Which one of the following has the largest number of satellites ?

#9. Which one of the following is not correct

#10. Consider the following statements select the correct answer using the given below:

1. The planetary bodies in the solar system are made of p elements

2. The satellites of the giant planet composed mostly of ice

3. All the satellites of the outer plan do not have tectonic activity

#11. Who out of the following introduced the concept of hierarchy of relief features?

#12. Which one of the following is not a relief feature of second order?

#13. Which one of the following is not a relief feature of the third order?

#14. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below.

1. The relief features of the second order are the results of Endogenetic forces

2. Some plains and plateaus are the results of Exogenetic activities

3. The mid-oceanic ridges are the third order relief features.

#15. Who out of the following is considered as the founder of modern geomorphology?

#16. Present is the key to the past this statement was made by

#17. The concept of 'lce Age' was established by

#18. Who out of the following was not an American gromorphologist

#19. The concept of 'Base-Level' was developed by:

#20. The Theory of Isostasy was developed by

#21. The "theory of peneplanation" was formulated by:

#22. The age of the Earth is about

#23. The Geological History of the Earth is broadly divided into

#24. The Pre-Cambrian Era covers

#25. The oldest rock of the world is found in

#26. Arrange the following Eras ion in a chronological order and select the correct answer using the code given below:





#27. Which one of tha following is not correct?

#28. Consider the following statements and elect the correct answer using the code given below:

1. Isostasy is the state of equilibrium.

2.Isostasy resembles flotation

3.Iostatic equilibrium is found in the Peninsular India

4.Isostatic equilibrium is attained by flow of material in the mantle.

#29. Which one of the following is not correct?

#30. Which one of the following is not correct?

#31. Which one of the following is not correct?

#32. Who said sial floats over stima?

#33. Who out of the following was not a upporter of the concept of "level of ompensation"?

#34. Who out of the following was not in agreement with Sir George Airy about the concept of isostasy ?

#35. "Mountains have roots" , this statement was made by

#36. Examine the following statements and select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 Most earthquakes on the Oceanic ridges.

2. Earthquakes occur during movements along faults.

3. Every year, more than one million earthquakes are recorded.

#37. which one of the following is the most common variety of the igneous rocks?

#38. Which one of the following is not a Igneous rock?

#39. Which one of the following is not an Igneous rock ?

#40. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List I (Book) List II (Author)
A. The Earth Science 1. James Hutton
B. The Unstable Earth 2. Strahles A. N
C. Physiography 3. Steers
D. Theory of the Earth 4. Salisbury R.D


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