Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

As per census 2011 what is the education status of women in India?

As of the 2011 Census of India, the education status of women in the country showed both progress and challenges. Here are some key findings related to the education status of women in India based on the 2011 Census:

  1. Literacy Rate: The literacy rate among women improved compared to previous years. The overall literacy rate for females (age 7 and above) was 65.46%, which was an increase from the previous census in 2001 when it was 54.16%. This indicates progress in female literacy.
  2. Gender Gap: Despite the improvement, there remained a significant gender gap in literacy rates. The male literacy rate was higher at 82.14%, highlighting the need for continued efforts to bridge this gap.
  3. Rural-Urban Divide: Disparities in female literacy were observed between rural and urban areas. Urban areas generally had higher literacy rates for women compared to rural areas.
  4. State Variations: Literacy rates varied widely among states and union territories. States like Kerala, Mizoram, and Goa had relatively high literacy rates for women, while states like Bihar, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand had lower rates.
  5. Educational Attainment: The data also revealed that a significant proportion of women had limited access to higher education. Many women had completed only primary or secondary education.
  6. Age Group Analysis: The census data indicated that younger generations of women were more likely to be literate compared to older generations, reflecting the positive impact of increased educational opportunities over time.
  7. Urbanization and Education: Urbanization was associated with higher educational attainment for women, with urban areas offering better access to schools and educational resources.
  8. Female Workforce: The census data also provided insights into the female workforce participation rate, which was influenced by education levels, socio-cultural factors, and economic opportunities.

It’s important to note that these statistics are based on the 2011 Census, and there have been subsequent efforts and initiatives by the Indian government and various organizations to further promote female education and address gender disparities in literacy and educational attainment. Additionally, more recent data and surveys may provide a more up-to-date picture of the education status of women in India.