Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Average Value Calculation for any General Periodic Waveform

Table of Contents

What is Signal?

A signal is a function that conveys information about a phenomenon. In electrical engineering, signals are typically represented as functions of time. They can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics:

  • Continuous-Time Signals: These are defined for every time instance and are represented as x(t). Examples include analog signals like sinusoidal waves, audio signals, and temperature readings.
  • Discrete-Time Signals: These are defined only at discrete time intervals and are represented as x[n].Examples include digital signals, such as those used in digital communication systems.
  • Deterministic Signals: These signals are precisely defined and predictable. For example, a sine wave with a known frequency and amplitude.
  • Random Signals: These signals have some inherent randomness and cannot be precisely predicted. Examples include noise signals in communication systems.


A system is a set of rules or a process that operates on a signal to produce another signal. Systems can be described by their input-output relationship. Systems in electrical engineering are often categorized based on their properties.

Signal and System