Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Discuss the context and the purpose of ICDS to combat malnutrition in India.

The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a flagship program in India that was launched on October 2, 1975, with the aim of addressing the issues of maternal and child health, early childhood care, and combating malnutrition. It is one of the world’s largest and most unique programs for early childhood development and is administered by the Indian government’s Ministry of Women and Child Development.


  1. High Malnutrition Rates: In the 1970s, India faced significant challenges related to malnutrition, particularly among children and pregnant or lactating women. Malnutrition not only led to high child mortality rates but also had long-term adverse effects on physical and cognitive development.
  2. Need for Holistic Approach: The prevailing approach at the time was primarily focused on healthcare and treatment. However, it was recognized that a more holistic approach was needed to address the root causes of malnutrition, including poverty, lack of access to healthcare, and inadequate nutrition.


The ICDS program was launched with several key purposes in mind:

  1. Improve Child Nutrition: The primary objective of ICDS is to improve the nutritional and health status of children below the age of six. This is achieved by providing supplementary nutrition, including hot-cooked meals and take-home rations, to children in the program.
  2. Enhance Maternal Health: ICDS also aims to improve the health and nutrition of pregnant and lactating women. It provides them with necessary nutrition and healthcare services to ensure healthy pregnancies and better outcomes for both mothers and infants.
  3. Early Childhood Care and Education: The program recognizes the importance of early childhood care and education. It aims to provide early childhood education and stimulation to promote physical and cognitive development among young children.
  4. Promote Health and Hygiene: ICDS conducts health check-ups and immunization programs for children, which are crucial for preventing diseases and ensuring their overall well-being.
  5. Empower Women: The program actively involves women, especially Anganwadi workers and helpers, in the delivery of services. It serves as a source of employment for women in rural areas and empowers them to actively participate in the program’s implementation.
  6. Community Participation: ICDS emphasizes community participation and awareness to address local issues related to maternal and child health and nutrition. It promotes the involvement of local communities in planning and monitoring the program’s activities.
  7. Monitor Growth and Development: Regular growth monitoring of children is a key component of ICDS. This helps identify malnourished children and provides timely interventions to address their nutritional needs.
  8. Prevent and Control Malnutrition: By addressing the underlying causes of malnutrition, such as poverty, lack of education, and healthcare, ICDS aims to prevent and control malnutrition in the long term.

ICDS has played a crucial role in improving the health and nutrition outcomes for women and children in India. Over the years, the program has evolved and expanded to cover a broader range of services and reach more beneficiaries. However, challenges such as inadequate funding, gaps in service delivery, and the need for improved monitoring and evaluation still exist and require ongoing attention and investment.