Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Ideal Current Source

An ideal current source is a theoretical concept to represent a device or circuit element that provides a constant current regardless of the voltage across it.

Ideal Current Source

Important Features of Ideal Current Source

  1. Constant Current Output: The current provided by an ideal current source remains constant regardless of the voltage across its terminals. This means that it can supply the same current even if the load resistance changes.
  2. Infinite Internal Resistance: An ideal current source has infinite internal resistance, which ensures that the current remains constant no matter the load connected to it. This is in contrast to a real current source, which has some finite internal resistance and whose current may vary with changes in load.
  3. Voltage Adaptability: An ideal current source can adjust the voltage across its terminals to maintain the constant current. This means that if the load resistance increases, the voltage across the load also increases to keep the current constant, and vice versa.
  4. Symbol: In circuit diagrams, an ideal current source is represented by a circle with an arrow inside it, indicating the direction of the current flow.
  5. No Power Constraints: An ideal current source can theoretically provide any amount of power, since it can adjust the voltage to maintain the constant current. This is purely theoretical, as real current sources are limited by practical power and voltage constraints.

Practical Considerations

In real-world applications, actual current sources are not ideal. They have limitations such as finite internal resistance, limited voltage compliance (the range of voltage over which they can maintain a constant current), and power ratings. However, understanding the ideal current source helps in analyzing and designing circuits by providing a simplified model.


Ideal current sources are used in various theoretical and practical applications, including:

  • Analog circuit design: Providing biasing currents for transistors and other active devices.
  • Testing and measurement: Used as a reference to test the behavior of components and circuits.
  • Signal processing: In current-mode signaling and amplifiers.

Understanding the ideal current source concept is fundamental in electrical engineering and helps in the analysis and design of more complex circuits.