Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Name any two factors affecting the span of control.

Two factors affecting the span of control are:

  1. Nature of the work: If the work is simple and repetitive, the span of control can be wider. However, if the work is complex and requires close supervision, the span of control must be narrower.
  2. Ability of the manager: Some managers are more capable of supervising large numbers of people than others. Managers with strong leadership, decision-making, and communication skills can typically have a wider span of control.

Other factors that can affect the span of control include:

  • Experience level of employees: Less experienced employees may require more supervision, which would necessitate a narrower span of control.
  • Company and team culture: Some companies have a culture of more autonomy and empowerment, which can lead to a wider span of control. Other companies have a more hierarchical culture, which may lead to a narrower span of control.
  • Use of technology: Technology can help managers to supervise more people more effectively, which can lead to a wider span of control.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how wide a manager’s span of control should be. The optimal span of control will vary depending on the specific factors mentioned above.

Managers should strive to find the span of control that allows them to most effectively supervise their team and achieve the desired outcomes.