Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 1 Physical World

Question 1.1. Some of the most profound statements on the nature of science have come from Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientists of all time. What do you think did Einstein mean when he said: “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible”?

Ans: When Albert Einstein said, “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible,” he was highlighting a fundamental paradox about the nature of human understanding and the universe. This statement reflects his awe and wonder at the fact that the universe, with all its complexity and vastness, can be understood through scientific inquiry and reasoning.

Einstein was emphasizing two key ideas:

  1. Complexity and Order of the Universe: The universe is incredibly complex, with intricate laws and phenomena that govern everything from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. Despite this complexity, there is an underlying order that can be discovered and understood through scientific study.
  2. Human Cognition and Understanding: The human mind has the capability to comprehend and make sense of this complex order. Our ability to formulate theories, create mathematical models, and conduct experiments allows us to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

In essence, Einstein was expressing his amazement at the alignment between human cognitive abilities and the structured nature of the universe. This alignment allows us to explore, understand, and predict the workings of the natural world, which, in itself, is a profound and somewhat mysterious fact.

Question 1. 2. “Every great physical theory starts as a hearsay and ends as a dogma”. Give some examples from the history of science of the validity of this incisive remark.

Ans: The statement “Every great physical theory starts as a hearsay and ends as a dogma” underscores the idea that many groundbreaking scientific theories often begin as speculative or controversial ideas but, over time, become widely accepted and sometimes even unquestioned doctrines. Here are some examples from the history of science that illustrate this process:

1. Heliocentrism

  • Hearsay: Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model in the 16th century, suggesting that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. This idea was radical and contradicted the long-standing geocentric model endorsed by the Church and established by Ptolemy.
  • Dogma: Over time, the heliocentric model gained acceptance through the work of astronomers like Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton. Today, it is a fundamental aspect of modern astronomy and is universally accepted as fact.

2. Germ Theory of Disease

  • Hearsay: In the mid-19th century, the idea that microorganisms cause diseases was initially met with skepticism. Scientists like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch faced resistance from the medical community, which held onto miasma theory (the belief that diseases were caused by “bad air”).
  • Dogma: Through rigorous experimentation and compelling evidence, germ theory became the foundation of modern medicine, leading to advances in hygiene, vaccination, and antibiotic treatments. It is now a cornerstone of medical science.

3. Theory of Evolution

  • Hearsay: Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, presented in “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, challenged the prevailing views of species creation and faced significant opposition from both the scientific community and religious institutions.
  • Dogma: Despite initial resistance, the theory of evolution has become a central unifying concept in biology, supported by extensive evidence from various scientific disciplines. It is widely taught and accepted as the best explanation for the diversity of life on Earth.

4. Quantum Mechanics

  • Hearsay: In the early 20th century, the ideas of quantum mechanics, introduced by Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, and others, were considered bizarre and counterintuitive, challenging classical mechanics’ deterministic nature.
  • Dogma: Quantum mechanics is now a well-established field, forming the basis of modern physics and leading to technological advancements such as semiconductors, lasers, and quantum computing. It is an essential component of our understanding of the microscopic world.

5. Relativity Theory

  • Hearsay: Albert Einstein’s theories of special relativity (1905) and general relativity (1915) initially faced skepticism, as they fundamentally altered the understanding of space, time, and gravity.
  • Dogma: These theories have been repeatedly validated through experiments and observations, becoming integral to modern physics. They have profound implications for cosmology, astrophysics, and GPS technology.

These examples demonstrate how revolutionary scientific ideas often begin as controversial and disputed but, through evidence and validation, become accepted as foundational principles in their respective fields.

Question 1. 3. “Politics is the art of the possible”. Similarly, “Science is the art of the soluble”. Explain this beautiful aphorism on the nature and practice of science.

Ans: The aphorism “Science is the art of the soluble” was coined by British scientist and novelist Peter Medawar. This phrase beautifully encapsulates the nature and practice of science, highlighting several key aspects:

1. Focus on Solvable Problems

  • Nature of Science: Science is fundamentally concerned with problems that can be addressed and solved through investigation, experimentation, and evidence-based reasoning. While some questions may remain beyond our current capabilities, science progresses by tackling those that are within reach.
  • Practical Approach: Just as politics deals with what is feasible within societal constraints, science deals with questions that can be approached through available methods and technologies. This pragmatic approach ensures steady progress and accumulation of knowledge.

2. Incremental Progress

  • Cumulative Knowledge: Scientific advancement often occurs through incremental steps. By solving smaller, manageable problems, scientists build a foundation of knowledge that can eventually address larger, more complex issues.
  • Problem-Solving: Each solution in science opens up new questions and areas for investigation, creating a dynamic and evolving field where the boundaries of the soluble are continually pushed forward.

3. Experimental Verification

  • Empirical Evidence: Science relies on empirical evidence to test hypotheses and theories. The focus is on what can be observed, measured, and verified, ensuring that scientific claims are grounded in reality.
  • Methodological Rigor: The scientific method provides a systematic approach to problem-solving, emphasizing reproducibility, peer review, and validation. This rigorous methodology ensures that solutions are reliable and trustworthy.

4. Adaptability and Flexibility

  • Evolving Understanding: Scientific theories and models are not static; they evolve as new evidence emerges. Science is open to revising and refining its understanding based on new discoveries, demonstrating adaptability in its quest for solutions.
  • Innovation: The pursuit of soluble problems often leads to technological innovations and new methodologies, expanding the tools available for future scientific inquiries.

5. Interconnectedness

  • Cross-Disciplinary Solutions: Many scientific problems require insights from multiple disciplines. Collaborative efforts and the integration of diverse perspectives enhance the ability to find solutions.
  • Holistic View: Science often seeks to understand the interconnectedness of phenomena, providing a comprehensive view that can address complex, multifaceted problems.


“Science is the art of the soluble” beautifully captures the essence of scientific practice. It emphasizes a pragmatic approach to inquiry, focusing on problems that can be tackled with existing methods while remaining open to innovation and new evidence. This aphorism celebrates the systematic, evidence-based nature of science, highlighting its role in progressively expanding our understanding of the natural world.

Question 1. 4. Though India now has a large base in science and technology, which is fast expanding, it is still a long way from realising its potential of becoming a world leader in science. Name some important factors, which in your view have hindered the advancement of science in India.

Ans: Despite India’s growing base in science and technology, several factors have historically hindered its advancement toward becoming a world leader in science.

1. Funding and Investment

  • Insufficient Research Funding: Relative to GDP, India’s investment in scientific research and development (R&D) has been lower than that of other leading nations. Limited funding restricts the ability to conduct cutting-edge research and develop advanced infrastructure.
  • Private Sector Involvement: There is a need for greater participation and investment from the private sector in scientific research, which can drive innovation and application of scientific discoveries.

2. Infrastructure and Resources

  • Inadequate Infrastructure: Many research institutions and universities lack state-of-the-art facilities and equipment necessary for high-level scientific research.
  • Resource Allocation: Inequitable distribution of resources and infrastructure between urban and rural areas limits the potential for scientific advancement across the country.

3. Education and Training

  • Quality of Education: While India produces a large number of science graduates, the quality of education and training at many institutions is inconsistent, leading to a gap between academic knowledge and practical skills.
  • Research Culture: There is often a lack of emphasis on research and critical thinking in the education system, which hampers the development of innovative and independent researchers.

4. Bureaucratic Hurdles

  • Regulatory Red Tape: Complex and slow bureaucratic processes can delay funding approvals, procurement of equipment, and implementation of research projects.
  • Administrative Burdens: Scientists and researchers often face significant administrative responsibilities, detracting from their time and focus on actual research.

5. Brain Drain

  • Emigration of Talent: Many talented scientists and researchers move abroad for better opportunities, resources, and working conditions, leading to a loss of intellectual capital.
  • Retention Challenges: Retaining top talent within the country is a challenge, often due to better prospects in terms of remuneration, research facilities, and professional growth overseas.

6. Industry-Academia Collaboration

  • Weak Links: The collaboration between academic institutions and industries in India is often weak, limiting the translation of scientific research into practical applications and technological innovations.
  • R&D Integration: Greater integration of R&D efforts between academia and industry can drive applied research and commercialization of scientific discoveries.

7. Policy and Strategic Vision

  • Lack of Long-term Vision: The absence of a coherent long-term strategy and vision for scientific research can lead to fragmented efforts and missed opportunities for significant advancements.
  • Policy Implementation: Effective implementation of policies supporting scientific research and innovation is often inconsistent, affecting progress.

8. Public Engagement and Support

  • Science Communication: There is a need for better communication and engagement with the public to foster a culture of science and innovation.
  • Public Perception: Enhancing the perception and value of scientific research within society can garner greater support and encouragement for scientific endeavors.

Addressing these factors through targeted policies, increased investment, improved education systems, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration can significantly enhance India’s potential to become a global leader in science.

Question 1.5. No physicist has ever “seen” an electron. Yet, all physicists believe in the existence of electrons. An intelligent but superstitious man advances this analogy to argue that ‘ghosts’ exist even though no one has ‘seen’ one. How will you refute his argument?

Ans: Refuting the analogy between belief in electrons and belief in ghosts involves highlighting the fundamental differences in the nature of evidence, the scientific method, and empirical validation. Here’s a structured response:

1. Empirical Evidence and Experimental Validation

  • Electrons: The existence of electrons is supported by extensive empirical evidence and experimental validation. Electrons produce consistent, measurable effects that can be observed and reproduced. Experiments such as the cathode ray tube experiment, the oil-drop experiment, and the double-slit experiment provide direct and indirect evidence of electrons. These experiments are repeatable and produce predictable results that align with theoretical models.
  • Ghosts: Claims of ghosts lack empirical evidence and experimental validation. Reports of ghost sightings are anecdotal, subjective, and not reproducible under controlled conditions. There is no consistent, measurable effect attributed to ghosts that can be reliably observed or tested.

2. Scientific Method

  • Electrons: The existence of electrons is derived from the scientific method, which involves forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and validating results through peer review and replication. Theories involving electrons make precise predictions that have been confirmed repeatedly through experimentation and observation.
  • Ghosts: Claims about ghosts do not follow the scientific method. They are often based on personal experiences and lack systematic investigation, controlled experimentation, and peer review. There are no predictive models or theories about ghosts that have been confirmed through scientific inquiry.

3. Technological Applications

  • Electrons: The practical applications of electron theory are vast and evident in numerous technologies such as electronics, computers, medical imaging (like MRIs), and much more. The successful operation of these technologies directly depends on the accurate understanding and manipulation of electrons.
  • Ghosts: There are no technological applications or practical outcomes derived from the belief in ghosts. The belief in ghosts does not lead to advancements or developments in technology or science.

4. Consistency and Predictability

  • Electrons: The behavior of electrons is consistent and predictable based on well-established physical laws. Quantum mechanics and electromagnetism, which describe electron behavior, have been validated through countless experiments and practical applications.
  • Ghosts: Reports of ghostly phenomena are inconsistent, varying widely between cultures and individuals. There are no established laws or principles that describe ghost behavior in a predictable or consistent manner.

5. Scientific Consensus

  • Electrons: The scientific community, through rigorous testing and validation, has reached a consensus on the existence and properties of electrons. This consensus is based on a vast body of evidence accumulated over more than a century.
  • Ghosts: There is no scientific consensus supporting the existence of ghosts. Most scientists regard ghost claims as lacking credible evidence and attribute them to psychological, environmental, or cultural factors.


Belief in electrons is founded on rigorous scientific evidence, reproducible experiments, and practical applications that demonstrate their existence and properties. In contrast, belief in ghosts lacks empirical support, reproducibility, and scientific validation. Therefore, equating the belief in electrons with belief in ghosts is a false analogy that overlooks the critical differences in the nature of evidence and the scientific method.