The Pala Dynasty was an imperial power during the Late Classical period on the Indian subcontinent, which originated in the region of Bengal. It is named after its ruling dynasty, whose rulers bore names ending with the suffix of Pala (“protector” in Sanskrit).

Their stronghold was located in Bengal and Bihar, which included the major cities of Vikrampura, Pataliputra etc.
The Palas were astute diplomats and military conquerors. Their army was noted for its vast war elephant corps. Their navy performed both mercantile and defensive roles in the Bay of Bengal.
The Palas were important promoters of classical Indian philosophy, literature, painting and sculpture. They built grand temples and monasteries, including the Somapura Mahavihara, and patronised the great universities of Nalanda and Vikramasila.
The Proto-Bengali language developed under Pala dynasty. The empire enjoyed relations with the Srivijaya Empire, the Tibetan Empire and the Arab Abbasid Caliphate.
Islam first appeared in Bengal during Pala rule, as a result of increased trade between Bengal and the Middle East.
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