Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

OPSC General Studies Manual 2024


The e-Book has been prepared in accordance with the latest pattern of OPSC OAS Examination.

Topics covered

  • Indian Polity
  • Ancient History of India
  • Medieval History of India
  • Modern History of India
  • Indian Economy
  • Physical Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Geography of India
  • Indian Society
  • General Science (Physics)
  • General Science (Chemistry)
  • General Science (Biology)
  • General Science (Space Awareness)
  • Indian Culture
  • World History
  • Indian Society
  • Disaster Management
  • Essay
  • Culture of Odisha
  • Modern History of Odisha
  • Geography of Odisha
  • Ancient History of Odisha
  • Medieval History of Odisha
  • Modern History of Odisha
Categories: ,


  • Earth
    • Interior of Earth
    • Composition of Earth
    • Mantle
    • Core
    • Lithosphere and Asthenosphere
    • Magnetic field of Earth
    • Magnetic Dip
    • Geomagnetic Equator & Equatorial Electrojet
    • Earth’s Magnetosphere
  • Earthquakes
    • How The Earthquakes Occur?
    • Determination of Epicentre
    • Earthquake Magnitude and Earthquake Intensity
    • Richter Magnitude Scale
    • Moment magnitude scale
    • Earthquake Belts
    • Earthquakes in India
    • Seismic Zoning of India (Zone 1 to Zone 5)
  • Layers of Atmosphere
    • Troposphere
    • Tropopause
    • Stratosphere
    • How temperature varies with height in Atmosphere?
    • Temperature Inversion
    • Ozone Layer
    • Mesosphere
    • Solar radiation and Insolation
    • Exosphere
    • Albedo
    • Effects of the Atmosphere on Solar Radiation
    • Methods of Heat Transfer
    • What is Latent Heat?
    • Earth Heat Budget
    • Distribution of Temperature
    • Temperature Zones of Earth
    • Isotherms
    • Daily variation of Temperature
    • Atmospheric Pressure & Global Winds
    • Pressure belts of the Earth
    • Coriolis Force
    • Intertropical Convergence Zone and Doldrums
    • Horse Latitude
    • Trade Winds
    • Westerlies
    • Polar winds
    • Jet Stream
    • Local Wind
    • Monsoon
  • Composition of Atmosphere
    • Rain
    • Types of Rain
    • Distribution of Rainfall in India and world
    • What is Cloud?
    • Air Mass & Fronts
    • Frontogenesis and Frontolysis
    • Types of Fronts
    • Cyclone
    • Formation and Effects of Tropical Cyclone
    • Formation and Effects of Extra Tropical Cyclone
    • How the cyclones are named?
    • Anticyclones
  • Biosphere
    • Ecosystem, types, and services provided by the ecosystem
    • Biome and Ecozones
    • Types of Biome
    • Savannah Biome
    • Mediterranean Biome
    • Desert Biome
  • Soil
    • Types of Soil in India
    • Soil Acidity and Basicity
    • Layers of soil
    • Soil Taxonomy
  • Rocks & Minerals
    • Rock Types
    • Intrusive and Extrusive Igneous Rocks
    • Felsic Rocks and Mafic Rocks
    • Sedimentary Rocks
    • Metamorphic Rocks
  • Volcanoes & Volcanism
    • What is Magma?
    • Weathering
  • Relief Features of Earth Surface
    • First, Second and Third Order of Relief
    • Relief Features of the Oceans
  • Continental Drift
    • Evidence of Continental Drift: Wegener’s Continental Drift Hypothesis
  • Plate Tectonics
    • Paleomagnetism
    • Seafloor Spreading
    • Movement of Plates
  • Faulting Versus Folding
    • Major and Minor Plates
    • Plate Boundaries
  • Mountain Formation: Orogeny
    • Types of the Mountains
  • Landform
    • Types of Landform: Erosional and Depositional
    • Landforms made by River Erosion
    • Landforms made by River Deposition
    • Landforms made by River Transportations
  • Ocean Sediment
    • Manganese Nodules
    • Ocean as the Source of Energy
    • Ocean Temperature
    • Horizontal and Vertical Variation of ocean water temperature
    • Ocean Current
    • Coriolis Effect and Coriolis Force
    • Types of Oceanic Currents
  • Tides
  • Geology of India
    • Archean formations
    • Dharwar System
    • Cuddapah System
    • Vindhyan System
    • Gondwana System
    • Deccan Trap
    • Tertiary System
    • Gondwana System in India
  • Physiographic Features of India
    • The Himalayan Mountains
      • Himalayan Orogeny
      • Classification of the Himalaya System
      • Geographical Regions of Himalaya
      • Geographical terms associated with the northern plains of India
      • Important Mountain passes in Himalayas
    • The Northern Slopes and Southern Slopes of Himalayas
    • Northern Plane of India
      • Division of the Northern Plane of India
      • North-South division of the Northern Plane of India
    • Thar Desert
    • Central Highlands
    • Mountains in the central highlands of India
    • Chhotanagpur Plateau
    • Karbi-Meghalaya Plateau
    • Deccan Plateau
    • Western Ghats
    • Katuriragan and Madhav Gadgil committee on western Ghat
    • Eastern Ghat
  • Drainage System of India
    • Indus River System
      • Tributaries of Indus River
    • The Ganga River System
      • Tributaries of River Ganga
    • Brahmaputra River System
      • Tributaries of Brahmaputra River
    • Mahanadi River system
    • Krishna River
    • Cauvery River
    • Godavari River
    • Narmada River
    • Mahi River
    • Tapti River
    • Ghaggar-Hakra River
  • Coastal Region of India
    • West Coast of India
    • Eastern Coast of India
    • Gulf and Straits in India
    • Islands of India
      • 10 Degree Channel
      • Indira Point
      • Saddle Peak
      • Barren Island
      • Lakshadweep Island
  • Climate of India
    • Factors influencing the Indian climate
    • Monsoon and Seasons in India
    • Monsoon Mechanism
    • Winter Monsoon
    • Mango Shower
    • Distribution of Rainfall in India
    • EL NINO
    • La Nina
  • Soils of India
    • Indian Classification of Soils
    • Soil Degradation & Soil Erosion
  • Determinism and Possibilism
  • Theory of Demographic Transition
  • Age Sex Pyramid
  • Types of activities in Economy
    • Mixed Farming


      • Introduction to Chemistry
        • What is Chemistry?
        • Importance and Applications of Chemistry
        • Scientific Method and Experimental Techniques
      • States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas
      • Atomic Structure and Periodic Table
        • Atomic Structure: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons
        • Periodic Table and Periodicity
      • Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
      • Chemical Reactions
        • Balancing Chemical Equations
        • Types of Chemical Reactions
      • Acids, Bases, and Salts
        • Properties of Acids and Bases
        • pH Scale and Indicators
        • Acid-Base Reactions and Neutralization
        • Common Acids, Bases, and Salts
      • Gases and Kinetic Molecular Theory
        • Properties of Gases
        • Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law, Charles’s Law, Avogadro’s Law
        • Ideal Gas Law
      • Thermodynamics and Energy
        • Laws of Thermodynamics
        • Heat, Work, and Energy Transfer
        • Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibbs Free Energy
      • Chemical Equilibrium
      • Organic Chemistry
        • Functional Groups and Organic Reactions
        • Hydrocarbons and Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes
      • Environmental Chemistry
        • Pollution and Environmental Impact
        • Atmospheric Chemistry: Ozone Depletion, Greenhouse Effect, Climate Change
        • Sustainable Chemistry and Green Technologies


  • Cell Division and Cellular Processes
  • Biological Classification
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Vitamins
  • Human Eye
  • Human Body
    • Digestive System
    • Reproduction
    • Transportation and Excretion in Plants
    • Blood
    • Human Brain
    • Heredity and Evolution
    • Endocrine System
    • Urinary System
    • Harmones
    • Skeletal System
    • Nervous System
    • Circulatory System
    • Respiratory System
    • Blood Group
  • Biomolecules


  • Overview of Different Branches of Physics
  • Motion and Forces
    • Describing Motion: Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration
    • Newton’s Laws of Motion
    • Forces and Their Types
    • Applications of Forces in Daily Life
  • Understanding Energy and Its Forms
    • Energy and Its Forms
    • Work and its Relation to Energy
    • Conservation of Energy
    • Power and Its Measurement
  • States of Matter
    • States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas
    • Density, Pressure, and Buoyancy
    • Thermal Properties and Temperature
    • Heat Transfer Mechanisms: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
  • Properties of Waves
    • Amplitude, Frequency, and Wavelength
    • Types of Waves: Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
    • Sound Waves and Their Characteristics
    • Reflection, Refraction, and Interference of Waves
  • Light and Optics
    • Nature of Light and Its Behavior
    • Reflection and Refraction of Light
    • Mirrors and Lenses
    • Optical Phenomena (Diffraction, Interference, Polarization)
  • Electric Charges and Fields
    • Introduction to Electric Charges
    • Electric Fields
    • Introduction to Electric Circuits
    • Electric Circuit Components
  • Magnetism and Electromagnetic Induction
  • Electromagnetic Waves and Their Applications
  • Modern Physics
    • Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
    • Atomic Structure and the Bohr Model
    • Particle Physics and the Standard Model
    • Nuclear Energy and Radioactivity