Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

State the causes of increase in population of Madhya Pradesh and its effects on economy.

The causes of the increase in population in Madhya Pradesh, like in many other Indian states, are multifaceted. These causes have various effects on the state’s economy. Here’s an overview:

Causes of Population Increase:

  1. High Birth Rates: Madhya Pradesh has traditionally had higher birth rates, partly due to cultural factors and limited awareness of family planning methods in certain regions.
  2. Declining Death Rates: Improvements in healthcare infrastructure, sanitation, and access to medical facilities have led to a decrease in death rates, resulting in population growth.
  3. Lack of Awareness: Limited awareness about family planning methods, especially in rural areas, has contributed to larger family sizes.
  4. Social Norms: Prevailing social norms, such as the preference for male children, can lead to larger families.
  5. Poverty: In economically disadvantaged regions, larger families are often seen as additional sources of labor and support.
  6. Migration: Internal migration, especially from rural to urban areas, can contribute to population growth in specific regions of the state.

Effects on Economy:

  1. Dependency Ratio: A high population growth rate can lead to a high dependency ratio, with a significant proportion of the population being children and elderly individuals. This can strain the economy as resources must be allocated for their care and education.
  2. Pressure on Resources: Rapid population growth can lead to increased pressure on natural resources such as land, water, and forests. This can result in resource depletion and environmental degradation.
  3. Unemployment: A rapidly growing population can outpace the job opportunities available in the state, leading to higher unemployment rates, especially among the youth.
  4. Infrastructure Challenges: The need for infrastructure development, including schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation, increases with population growth. Meeting these demands can strain the state’s finances.
  5. Healthcare and Education: Providing quality healthcare and education to a growing population becomes a challenge. Adequate facilities and skilled personnel are needed to meet these needs.
  6. Economic Potential: While a large population can be a source of labor, it is essential to ensure that this labor force is skilled and employed gainfully to contribute positively to the economy.
  7. Urbanization: Population growth often leads to urbanization, with people moving from rural areas to cities in search of better opportunities. This can lead to unplanned urbanization and associated challenges.

To address these challenges and harness the demographic dividend, Madhya Pradesh needs comprehensive policies that focus on healthcare, education, skill development, and employment generation. Family planning and awareness campaigns can help control population growth while ensuring the well-being of its citizens. Additionally, equitable regional development can help reduce migration pressure on specific urban centers within the state.