Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

UPPCS 2015 Solved Question Paper

Table of Contents


#1. The 'Nalanda-Project' is a programme of the Ministry of:

#2. Kandla is well known for:

#3. Helpline 'Udyami' is meant for:

#4. 19th November is observed as the

#5. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : Economic development requires a multi-dimensional approach. Reason (R) : The present Government of India is focussing mainly on micro-economic issues. Codes:

#6. How many companies are included in BSE-GREENEX?

#7. In which of the following States a solar power plant of 4000 MW capacity is planned to be set -up?

#8. Which among the following is the largest mechanized mine in India?

#9. The Gandhian Plan was expounded in 1944 by:

#10. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : The present Government of Uttar Pradesh is focussing on development of industry, infrastructure, energy generation etc. Reason (R) : Heavy investment facilitates economic development. Codes:

#11. Consider the following in relation to causes of urbanization and select the correct answer from the code given below: 1. High rate of emigration from rural to urban areas. 2. Increasing number of educational institutions in cities. 3. High rate of industrialization. 4. High standard of living in rural area. Codes:Consider the following in relation to causes of urbanization and select the correct answer from the code given below: 1. High rate of emigration from rural to urban areas. 2. Increasing number of educational institutions in cities. 3. High rate of industrialization. 4. High standard of living in rural area. Codes:

#12. Which among the following States has the main deposit of tin ore?

#13. What is the sex-ratio in India as per 2011 Census?

#14. Which among the following has launched 'Virtual-Clusters' web portal ?

#15. What is the percentage of population of Uttar Pradesh to India's population as per Census 2011?

#16. Match the following: List - I List - II A. W.T.O. 1. To provide finance to correct equilibrium in balance of payments. B. I.M.F. 2. Generally to forbid the use of quantitative restrictions in trade. C. SAARC 3. Sanction of soft loans. D. I.D.A. 4. To promotes co-operation among South Asian Countries. Codes: A B C D

#17. A new chapter on sustainable development and climate change was first introduced in the Economic Survey of:

#18. A person with vision defect 'Myopia' can see

#19. The mirror used by the dentists to see the teeth of the patients is

#20. Which one of the following is a plant hormone?

#21. The 'xylem' in plants is responsible mainly for

#22. Which of the following is a correct statement?

#23. Which one of the following programmes aims for its completion by 2nd October 2019?

#24. The temperature of the human body

#25. The largest amount of fresh water on our planet is in

#26. The most important factor contributing to the loss of vulture population in India is

#27. The main pollutant in the smoke coming from cigarette is

#28. 'Pyrheliometer' is used for measuring:

#29. The problem of water pollution with Arsenic is maximum in

#30. Which of the following is not correct about ecosystem?

#31. Which one of the following denotes water salinity gradient?

#32. Which of the following species is the largest of the 'toothed-whales'?

#33. Which one of the following is a marine national park?

#34. Which one of the following provides the cryogenic indicator of climate change?

#35. Which of the following periods has generally been considered to be the 'Little Ice Age'?

#36. Which of the following is not related to the astronomical theories of climate change?

#37. Which one of the following has been recognized as a Megadiverse Country?

#38. Which of the following has the lowest mean net primary productivity?

#39. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

#40. Normal temperature of human body is 98.4 of. Its equivalent temperature in °C is

#41. When doctor tells a person that he/she has been affected with tetraplagia, it means that he/she is suffering from paralysis of

#42. Which of the following is a semiconductor?

#43. The disease caused due to deficiency of iron is known as

#44. What amongst the following is responsible for formation of stone in human kidney?

#45. If a human disease breaks out across a large region of the world, what is it called?

#46. Which one of the following is a water borne disease?

#47. Which one of the following coucerns soil?

#48. 'Cloves' are

#49. How many calories are gained by drinking a glass of water?

#50. Which of the following is used in Genetic-Engineering?

#51. Blue colour of the sky is due to

#52. Which of the following is a stem?

#53. The blood pressure of an individual is 140 mm Hg. In this statement 'Hg' refers to

#54. In which part of the cinchona plant quinine occurs naturally?

#55. Bauxite is the ore of:

#56. Which of the following has become in March, 2015, the first high court to announce setting up of dedicated commercial benches?

#57. Who has written the book titled "Faces and Places" which was released by the Vice President of India in March, 2015?

#58. Which of the following is reported to have found in March, 2015 biologically useful nitrogen on Mars?

#59. 'Earth-Hour' was observed in the year 2015 on

#60. Who amongst the following tookover as the Chairman of the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers on 'GST' in March, 2015?

#61. The magnetic observatory which was inaugurated on " March 2015 is located at

#62. What is the rank of India in the Open Government Index 2015 prepared by the World Justice Project?

#63. Which one of the following was successfully launched by India in December 2014?

#64. "Operation All out" of the Indian Army has been launched in January 2015 against

#65. "Neno plug" refers to:

#66. The terrorist group 'AI-Shabaab' massacred 147 people in April 2015 in Garissa University, which is located in

#67. Which one of the following countries has not participated in operation "Storm of Resolve" being conducted in Yemen?

#68. Who amongst the following was not one of the recipients of Prawasi Bhartiya Samman 2015?

#69. Which one of the following states launched in February 2015 a "dolphin- Census" in the coastal eco-system and shorelines of the State?

#70. Bhalchandra Nemade was selected in February 2015 for which one of the following awards?

#71. In February 2015, for the first time, a trial of driverless car was conducted simultaneously in four cities of:

#72. Who is the author of the book "Aatank Ke Saye Me", which was released by the Vice President of India in March, 2015?

#73. Which amongst the following countries has appointed Justice S.K. Sinha as its Chief Justice in January, 2015?

#74. Bronze is an alloy of

#75. Which of the following countries has made it mandatory to blend ethanol with gasoline?

#76. As reported III the journal "Tectonophysics" in March 2015, the world's largest known asteroid impact zone is located in

#77. The U.P. Cabinet in December, 2014 gave its permission for conducting a feasibility study and preparing a detailed project report for running metros in four cities. Which city amongst the following is not included amongst these four?

#78. Sarga, Pratisarga, Vansa, Manvantara and Vanshanucharita are the indicators of

#79. Match List-I with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below: List - I (Emperor) List - II (Titles) A. Ashoka 1. Parakramank B. Samudragupta 2. Priyadarsin C. Chandragupta-II 3. Kramaditya D. Skandgupta 4. Vikramaditya Codes: A B C D

#80. Who one of the following had not come to India with Alexander?

#81. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

#82. What was the theme of the 19th "National Youth Festival" held in January, 2015?

#83. Which of the following states launched the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network System (CCTNS) in February 2015?

#84. Mughal Emperor Jahangir gave the title 'English-Khan' to:

#85. Which one of the following is the seventh part of the State according to Saptang Theory of State?

#86. In the early Rigvedic period, what was considered to be the most valuable property?

#87. Which of the following forts was not constructed in the reign of Akbar?

#88. Who were Polygars of South India?

#89. What is the name of party founded by Saumyandra Nath Tagore?

#90. Who out of the following performed a ritual called 'Hiranya-Garbha'?

#91. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

#92. Who addressed Gandhiji as 'one man boundary force'?

#93. For which of the following Sessions, the Congress elected its first woman President?

#94. Who was the leader of 1857 struggle for freedom in Lucknow?

#95. Who was known by the nick-name "Lokhitvadi"?

#96. What was 'Kamagatamaru'?

#97. The 'Cabinet-Mission' of 1946 was led by:

#98. The Tarkeshwar movement of 1924 in Bengal was against

#99. The 'Deepavali Declaration' issued in the year 1929 was related to the

#100. Which of the following is the oldest and deepest lake of the world?

#101. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

#102. Which of the following deserts is located in the Southern Hemisphere?

#103. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Industry Location

#104. Which of the following countries has more than 30% of its total area under national parks?

#105. Which of the following has been identified as a 'biodiversity hot-spot' in India?

#106. Which of the following is NOT responsible for increase in the biodiversity of an ecosystem?

#107. Arrange the, following atmospheric zones in terms of the distance from the earth's surface in increasing order and select the correct answer from the code given below: 1. Thermosphere 2. Troposphere 3. Stratosphere 4. Mesosphere Codes:

#108. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: List - I List - II A. Golden Triangle 1. Myanmar B. Bermuda Triangle 2. Opium producing area of South East Asia C. Rice bowl of Far East 3. China D. Red Basin 4. North Atlantic Ocean Codes: A B C D

#109. Which of the following is the most significant factor in coral bleaching?

#110. Which of the following is not correctly matched? Dams Rivers

#111. The name of which of the following countries closely means "country of 40 tribes"?

#112. Which of the following countries has been the largest producer of copper (2013)?

#113. Which of the following lakes of India is located in Jammu and Kashmir?

#114. Identify the correct sequence of the following states in terms of fish production in descending order:

#115. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: List - I Tribe List - II State A. Toda 1. Sikkim B. Lepcha 2. Meghalaya C. Birhoor 3. Tamil Nadu D. Garo 4. Jharkhand Codes: A B C D

#116. According to the Census of India, 2011 the percentage growth of population in the country during the period of 2001-2011 was:

#117. Which of the following is not correctly matched? Hot-springs Location

#118. 'Doodh-Ganga' river is located in

#119. Which of the following is not a 'ghost-town'?

#120. Which of the following canals has been taken out from Damodar river?

#121. Which of the following is related to Right to Information Act, 2005?

#122. Which one of the following is not a part of Fundamental Duties under Indian Constitution?

#123. Match List-I and List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below: List - I (Lakes) List - II (Location) A. Ashtamudi 1. Haryana B. Pulicat 2. Kerala C. Roopkund 3. Tamil Nadu D. Surajkund 4. Uttarakhand Codes:

#124. Which of the following soils of India has been formed due to weathering of basaltic lava?

#125. Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution provides that the Speaker shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes?

#126. Who can legislate on the subjects which are not included in any of the lists of subjects given in the Constitution?

#127. In the absence of the President of India, if Vice-President is not available, who of the following can act as the President?

#128. Read the following and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is to be headed by a person who has been a former Chief Justice of India. Reason (R) : The Chairperson of NHRC holds office for a term of 5 years or till he attains the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier. Codes:

#129. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : State Finance Commission is a constitutional body. Reason (R) : Union Finance Commission cannot recommend financial assistance to panchayats. Codes:

#130. Study the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : The State Election Commission is a constitutional authority. Reason (R) : Elections to rural local bodies are overseen by the Election Commission of India. Codes:

#131. Which one of the following writs can be issued by a High Court to secure liberty of the individual?

#132. Study the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below: Assertion (A) : India has a written constitution. Reason (R) : Growth of strong regional parties is an indicator of regional aspirations. Codes:

#133. The Joint Sitting of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha under Article 108 is summond by

#134. Which of the following Fundamental Rights under the Constitution is guaranteed only to the citizens of India and not to foreigners living in India?

#135. Which one of the following cases outlined the basic structure doctrine of the Indian Constitution?

#136. Under which one of the following Articles, the procedure for removal of toe President of India through the process of impeachment has been laid down?

#137. Which of the following is not a federal feature of the Indian Constitution?

#138. In which of the following States, the office of Lokayukta was first established?

#139. By which Constitutional Amendment the number of Central Ministers has been limited to 15 % of the total number of members of the Lok Sabha?

#140. The Right to Vote in India is a

#141. The provision for the representation of Anglo-Indian community in the Lok Sabha has been made in the Constitution under:

#142. The Indian Parliament consists of:

#143. The executive power of the Union vests in:

#144. Which amongst the following now decide the oil-prices in India?

#145. Anushakti Vidyut Nigam Limited is a joint venture of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India and

#146. Which of the following makes recommendation regarding fixing of minimum support price for various crops?

#147. As per Census-2011, the literacy rate of Uttar Pradesh is

#148. Time of zero-hour in Parliament is:

#149. Who amongst the following are not included in the electoral college for the election of the President of India?

#150. Grains of Basmati rice get elongated on being cooked - because of higher content of:


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