#1. In an observation, a-particles, b-particles and y-rays have same energies. Their penetrating power in a given medium in increasing order will be
#2. The Earth without rotational movement would result into
#3. When hard water is evaporated completely, the white solid remains in the container.It may be due to the presence of
#4. Which one among the following statements is correct ?
#5. A person standing 1 m in front of a plane mirror approaches the mirror by 40 cm. The new distance between the person and his image in the plane mirror is
#6. Which one among the following compounds has same equivalent weight and molecular weight ?
#7. Which one among the following statements is not true for Mammals ?
#8. Arrange the following layers of atmosphere vertically from the surface of the Earth :
#9. A metallic plate sticks firmly on the mouth of a water vessel made from another metal. By way of heating, one can detach the plate from the vessel. This is because heat expands
#10. Electricity is produced through dry cell from
#11. In human digestive system, the process of digestion starts in
#12. Which one among the following fuels is used in gas welding ?
#13. In respect of the difference of the gravitational force from electric and magnetic forces, which one of the following statements is true ?
#14. Which one among the following is a micronutrient present in soil for various crops ?
#15. Arrange the following tributaries of river Indus from North to South :
#16. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the List :
#17. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the Lists :
#18. Creation of something from nothing is against the law of
#19. Which one of the following diseases in humans spread through air ?
#20. Seismic gaps are :-
#21. In the absence of Cold Labrador Current , which one among the following would happen ?
#22. An electron and a proton are circulating with with same speed in paths of equal radius. Which one among the following will happen , if the mass of a proton is about 2,000 times that of an electron ?
#23. Which one among the following metals is prominently used in mobile phone batteries ?
#24. Which one of the following is the most appropriate and correct practice from the point of view of a healthy environment ?
#25. Consider the following statements with regard to cold waves in winter season in northern India :
#26. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the Lists :
#27. Who among the following proposed that atom is indivisible ?
#28. Tank irrigation is commonly found in South-Central parts of India. What could be the reason ?
#29. Which of the following is/are the reason(s) behind Gujarat being the leading producer of Salt in India ?
#30. Which one among the following processes is not part of a chemical weathering ?
#31. An object is raised to a height of 3 m from the ground. It is then allowed to fall on to a table 1 m high from ground level. In this context, which one among the following statements is correct ?
#32. Ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere is important for living organisms because it
#33. If 82 degree 30' east longitude (Allahabad) shows 6:00 am of Sunday (local time), what would be the local time of Florida (USA) located on 82 degree west longitude ?
#34. Two pieces of conductor of same material and of equal length are connected in series with a cell. One of the two pieces has cross-sectional area double that of the other. Which one of the following statements is correct in this regard ?
#35. How many elements are there in the 5th period of modern periodic table ?
#36. Which one of the following statements regarding water cycle is correct ?
#37. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the Lists :
#38. The horizontal wind circulation near the Earth's surface is due to the
#39. A wire-bound standard resistor uses manganin or constantan. It is because
#40. Which one among the following is used in making lead pencils ?
#41. Which one among the following structures or cells is not present in connective tissues ?
#42. Which List I with List II and select the correct answer using the Lists :
#43. Sodium metal should be stored in
#44. The word 'vaccination' has been derived from a Latin word which relates to
#45. Which of the following characteristic(s) describe the nature of religion according to the Rig Veda ?
#46. Which of the following statement(s) about caste movements in early 20th century Kerala is/are false ?
#47. In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that Constitutional Amendments were also laws under Article 13 of the Constitution of India, which could be declared void for being inconsistent with Fundamental Rights ?
#48. Which of the following statement(s) is/are not correct for the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India ?
#49. which one among the following was the theme of the International Day of the Preservation of the Ozone Layer - 2014 ?
#50. Which one the following categories of persons is not treated at par as the availability of Fundamental Rights is concerned ?
#51. Notification regarding commencement or cessation of a state of war is the responsibility of
#52. Which of the following statements about mahatma Gandhi's South African experiences (1893 - 1914) is/are true ?
#53. Which of the following sets of newspapers reflected the concerns of educated Indian Muslims during the Khilafat movement ?
#54. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
#55. Which one among the following was not an outcome of the fifth BRICS summit held in Duration in South Africa in March 2013 ?
#56. Seeking to revive historic ties, the Indian Air Force has gifted a vintage Dakota Aircraft from its museum to (September 2014)
#57. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?
#58. In recent plans, certain words/phrases were used in the title of the plan along with 'growth' They are
#59. Which of the following statements about the social reformer, Raja Rammohun Roy, is false ?
#60. Which of the following characteristics about the state of Travancore in 18th century Kerala is/are correct ?
#61. A Parliamentary Democracy is one where
#62. Which of the following is not a central tenet of Socialism ?
#63. 'And Then One Day : A Memoir' is an autobiography of
#64. Inclusion strategy does not focus on
#65. When martial law is imposed, Parliament cannot make law in respect of which one of the following matters ?
#66. Upari refers to which one of the following ?
#67. Which of the following is/are the characteristic(s) of the Sannyasi and Fakir uprisings ?
#68. Which among the following features of a federal system is not found in the Indian Political System ?
#69. Which of the following is not true of Article 32 of the Indian Constitution ?
#70. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
#71. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?
#72. The Central Industrial Security Force is under the administrative control of which of the following ministries ?
#73. Which of the following features of the State of Arcot in 18th century South India are correct ?
#74. Which of the following statements about the musical culture in 18th and 19th century North India is/are not correct :
#75. Which of the following is/are not the characteristic(s) of the first Past The Post System (FPTP) ?
#76. Which of following statement is/are not true for the category of the Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) inserted by the amendment to the Citizenship Act of India in 2003 ?
#77. Which of the following is are the objective (s) of National AYUSH Missino, approved by the Union Cabinet recently ?
#78. Which of the following statement(s) with regard to the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 is/are correct ?
#79. Indian Coast Guard is :-
#80. Which of the following statement about the musical culture in 18th and 19th century South India is/are correct ?
#81. Which of the following statements about visual culture in 18th and 19th century North India is/are correct ?
#82. The power to decide the date of an election to a State Legislative Assembly rests with the
#83. Which among the following is not an aspect of Gender Mainstreaming (GM) ?
#84. The 3rd Meeting of the SAARC Culture Ministers , convened in New Delhi on September 25, 2014 , unanimously resolved
#85. Information under the RTI Act ,2005 can be provided in respect of :-
#86. Who acts as the chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee ?
#87. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:-
#88. Which of the following was/were connected primarily to the communist ideology ?
#89. Which of the following statements is not true ?
#90. Which of the following is not a part of contemporary Indian foreign policy in relationship with its neighbours ?
#91. Consider the following statements :
#92. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
#93. Demand for a commodity refers to
#94. The interest of the British Government of India in Afghanistan in the nineteenth century came about in order to
#95. What was the common element among (i) G.D. Birla (ii) Ambalal Sarabhai and (iii) Walchand Hirachand ?
#96. Which of the following is not true for SAFTA (South Asian Free Trade Area) ?
#97. Which of the following is not a laid down principle of the Panchsheel ?
#98. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
#99. An exceptional demand curve is one that slopes
#100. What was the claim to fame of Dr. Dwarka Nath Kotnis ?
#101. Which of the following is not true about the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) ?
#102. Consider the following statements with regard to the First Renewable Energy Global Investors Meet and Expo (2015) :
#103. When two goods are completely interchangeable, they are
#104. Which would be the most appropriate description concerning the Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha ?
#105. The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution contains provisions for the administration of Tribal areas. Which of the following States is not covered under this Schedule ?
#106. Which of the following statements is/are correct with regard to the Living Planet Report - 2014 (Species and Spaces, people and Places) released by World Wildlife Fund(WWF) ?
#107. Rise in the price of a commodity means
#108. The Tungbhadra river provided sustenance to which empire ?
#109. Which empire did Niccolo de Conti, Abdur Razzaq, Afanasy Nikitin and Fernao Nuniz visit ?
#110. The Supreme Court guidelines issued in the Vishaka Case pertain to
#111. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?
#112. Which among the following teams won the Duleep Trophy Cricket Tournament, 2014 ?
#113. Which of the following statements is/are true with regard to the newly launched Vanbandhu kalyan Yojana ?
#114. Which of the following statements regard to the proposed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is/are correct ?