Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Volume of Cube Calculator

The volume of a cube refers to the amount of space occupied by the cube. A cube is a three-dimensional geometric shape with six square faces of equal size. Each face is perpendicular to the adjacent faces, and all edges have the same length.

Volume of Cube

To calculate the it you need to know the length of one of its edges. Let’s denote this length as “s”. The formula to find the volume of a cube is:

Volume = s^3

In other words, you can obtain the volume by raising the length of one side (edge) of the cube to the power of three. This is because all the sides of the cube are equal in length, so multiplying the length by itself three times gives you the total volume of the cube.

For example, if the length of one edge of a cube is 5 units, the volume would be:

Volume = 5^3 = 5 × 5 × 5 = 125 cubic units.

Therefore, the cube would occupy a volume of 125 cubic units.

Volume of Cube Calculator

Volume of Cube Calculator


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