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Licchavi Lyceum

Company Painting

Company painting is a type of Indian painting that emerged during the colonial period in India, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Characterized by its use of European-style realism, Company painting was created primarily for British patrons and reflects the fusion of European and Indian cultural influences. In this article, we will explore the history, development, and key features of Company painting.

  1. Historical Background

Company painting emerged in India during the colonial period, as a result of the British East India Company’s presence in the country. The British East India Company, which was established in 1600, was a trading company with a monopoly over trade between Britain and India. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the British East India Company commissioned a number of Indian artists to create paintings that reflected the unique cultural and historical experiences of India. These paintings, known as Company paintings, were created in a European-style realism, using oil paints and other European techniques.

  1. Key Features

Company painting is characterized by its use of European-style realism, which was in stark contrast to the traditional Indian painting styles of the time. Company painters used oil paints, which allowed them to create more realistic and lifelike images, and incorporated European techniques such as perspective and modeling into their work. Company paintings often depicted Indian landscapes, architecture, and daily life, as well as scenes from Indian mythology and history. Company paintings also often featured Indian subjects, such as Indian rulers, soldiers, and common people, dressed in traditional Indian clothing.

  1. Major Works

Some of the most famous examples of Company paintings can be found in museums and private collections around the world, including the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the British Museum in London, and the National Museum in New Delhi. Company paintings such as “View of Delhi from the Ridge” by Thomas Daniell, “The Arrival of King George IV in Edinburgh” by James Bailey, and “A View of Calcutta from the Fort” by Zoffany are considered among the finest examples of the style.

  1. Influence on Art

Company painting had a lasting influence on the development of Indian art, and is considered a significant turning point in the history of Indian painting. Company paintings introduced a new level of realism and technical mastery to Indian art, and served as a bridge between traditional Indian painting styles and the more modern styles that would emerge in India in the 20th century.

In conclusion, Company painting is a unique type of Indian painting that emerged during the colonial period in India. Characterized by its use of European-style realism, Company painting reflects the fusion of European and Indian cultural influences, and is considered an important part of India’s artistic and cultural heritage. Today, Company paintings remain popular among art collectors and art enthusiasts, and continue to inspire new generations of artists and art lovers.