Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Surat Split

The split of the Indian National Congress (INC) in Surat in 1907 was a significant event in India’s freedom struggle against British rule. The split was the result of a power struggle within the INC between two groups: the Moderates, who advocated for gradual reforms within the existing framework, and the Extremists, who demanded more radical changes and self-rule.

The split took place during the annual session of the INC in Surat. The Extremists, led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, wanted the party to adopt a more aggressive stance against the British government. However, the Moderates, led by Gopal Krishna Gokhale, opposed this view and wanted to continue with their gradual approach.

The split had far-reaching consequences. The Extremists formed the All India Home Rule League, which sought self-rule for India. The Moderates continued to work within the INC, but their influence waned as the party increasingly adopted a more radical stance.

The Surat split was significant as it marked the beginning of a new phase in India’s independence movement. The split showed that the INC was not a homogeneous entity, but was instead made up of diverse groups with differing views on how to achieve their goal of freedom. The split also marked the emergence of Tilak as a major leader in the independence movement, and his ideas would go on to have a lasting impact on the struggle for independence.

In conclusion, the Surat split of the INC was a major turning point in India’s independence struggle, as it marked the beginning of a more aggressive and militant phase in the movement. The split also highlighted the diverse views within the party and the emergence of new leaders who would play a significant role in the struggle for freedom.