Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

What are the major advantages of self-help groups?

Self-help groups (SHGs) offer several advantages to their members, especially in the context of socio-economic development and empowerment. Some of the major advantages of self-help groups include:

  1. Financial Inclusion: SHGs often provide financial services to their members, including savings and credit facilities. Members pool their savings, which can be used to provide loans to members in need. This promotes financial inclusion and access to credit for those who may not have access to traditional banking systems.
  2. Empowerment of Women: Many SHGs primarily consist of women members, and these groups have played a significant role in empowering women in various ways. They provide a platform for women to voice their concerns, gain decision-making skills, and enhance their socio-economic status. Empowered women are more likely to participate in family and community decision-making.
  3. Income Generation: SHGs often engage in income-generating activities such as micro-enterprises, agriculture, and handicrafts. By pooling resources and skills, members can collectively engage in income-generating ventures, leading to improved livelihoods and economic stability.
  4. Savings Culture: SHGs encourage a culture of regular saving among their members. This habit of saving money can help members build financial reserves for emergencies, investments, and future needs, reducing their vulnerability to financial crises.
  5. Social Support: SHGs provide a platform for members to come together, share experiences, and provide mutual support. Members often form strong social bonds and can rely on each other during difficult times, creating a sense of belonging and community.
  6. Skill Development: Members of SHGs often acquire new skills and knowledge related to their income-generating activities or through training programs organized by the group. These skills enhance their employability and entrepreneurship capabilities.
  7. Access to Government Schemes: SHGs can act as intermediaries between their members and government programs and schemes. They help members access government support, subsidies, and benefits, ensuring that marginalized communities receive the assistance they are entitled to.
  8. Community Development: SHGs often engage in community development activities such as health and sanitation campaigns, education initiatives, and infrastructure development. These activities contribute to the overall improvement of the community.
  9. Women’s Leadership: SHGs often promote women’s leadership at the grassroots level. Women who are active in SHGs are more likely to participate in local governance and take on leadership roles, thereby contributing to community development and empowerment.
  10. Poverty Alleviation: By facilitating income generation, access to credit, and social support, SHGs contribute to poverty alleviation and economic upliftment of their members and communities.

Overall, self-help groups have proven to be an effective means of socio-economic empowerment, especially for marginalized and economically disadvantaged communities, and they play a vital role in promoting sustainable development at the grassroots level.