Licchavi Lyceum


Licchavi Lyceum

Write three salient features of 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act.

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 introduced significant changes to local governance in India by adding a new Part IX to the Constitution, which specifically deals with Panchayati Raj institutions. Three salient features of the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act are:

  1. Decentralization of Power: One of the central features of the 73rd Amendment is the decentralization of power to rural local bodies, known as Panchayats. It mandated the establishment of Panchayati Raj institutions at the village (Gram Panchayat), intermediate (Taluka or Block Panchayat), and district (Zila Parishad) levels. These institutions were granted constitutional status and are responsible for local self-governance in areas such as agriculture, health, education, and rural development.
  2. Reservation for Weaker Sections: The amendment introduced a reservation system to ensure political participation and representation of marginalized and disadvantaged groups in Panchayati Raj institutions. It mandated the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and women at all levels of Panchayats. This provision aims to promote social equity and inclusivity in local governance.
  3. Devolution of Powers and Functions: The 73rd Amendment Act emphasizes the devolution of powers and functions to Panchayats. It outlines the subjects on which Panchayats may function independently and perform executive functions. These subjects include rural development, agriculture, education, health, sanitation, and more. By transferring responsibilities and resources to Panchayats, the amendment aims to promote grassroots-level planning and development.

These features collectively aim to strengthen local governance, promote participatory democracy, and empower rural communities in decision-making processes. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act has played a crucial role in enhancing decentralization and local self-governance in India’s rural areas.