Table of Contents

#1. An astronaut in the satellite feels weightlessness because________

#2. In electronic communication system, digital signals
#3. Energy of the electron revolving around the nucleus in second orbit is -3.4 eV What is its energy in third orbit ?

#4. Optical fibre is based on which of the following principles ?

#5. Consider the following statements:
#6. During inelastic collision between two bodies, which of the following quantities always remains conserved ?
#7. Name the transgenic crop in which three genes for synthesis of vitamin A are introduced through the technique of genetic engineering.
#8. How many linkage groups are present in the female and male grasshopper insect ?
#9. Name the plant having H.S.K or C4 pathway of photosynthesis.
#10. Chemosynthetic bacteria obtain energy by oxidizing_______ chemical compounds.
#11. In the nephron of man, what is the correct sequence of urine formation ?
#12. Which of the following situations will be fatal to second foetus ?
#13. N/A

#14. Consider the following statements about sliding filament theory of muscle contraction :
#15. During calcination process
#16. By green chemistry, we mean
#17. Which of the following is not a Lewis acid ?

#18. The following are some of the properties of the colloidal sols :

#19. Which of the following statements are correct ?

#20. Which of the following reactants can be used to prepare ammonia ?

#21. Consider the following statements regarding change made by the Indian Independence Act of 1947 in the position of constituent assembly :
#22. Which one of the following has not been provided by the 44th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1978 relating to national Emergency ?

#23. Consider the following statements :
#24. Which one of the following statements about the Governor of Maharashtra is true ?
#25. Which of the following items is wrongly matched ?

#26. In the case of a bill passed by the State Legislature, Governor can reserve it for the consideration of the President.
#27. In India, Judicial Review implies

#28. Which of the following statements is/are included as provision of the Indian Constitution ?
#29. N/A

#30. Which one of the following statements is/are not correct ?
#31. Which one of the following statements about Election Commission of India is false ?

#32. Consider the following provisions .

#33. Consider the following statements :
#34. Which one of the following statements about ‘Lok Adalat’ is incorrect ?

#35. Consider the following statements about the States Reorganisation Commission and Act ?
#36. Which one of the following statements about ‘Statue of Unity’ is false ?

#37. Consider the following statements :
#38. Which one of the following statements about Nuclear Supplier’s Group (NSG) is not correct ?
#39. N/A
#40. Which one of the following statements is false with regard to Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2018 ?

#41. On January 31, 2018, a rare ‘Blue Moon’ event was experienced in large parts of the globe. In that context consider the following statements :

#42. Consider the following statements about ’Swachh Survekshan Gramin Awards, 2018’ .
#43. Tikka’ disease affects which one of the following crops ?

#44. Consider the following statements :

#45. Consider the following statements :
#46. Which is the world’s fastest super computer ? (Up to end of June 2018)

#47. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
#48. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?

#49. Recently ‘Bonnethead Shark’ was in the news. Consider the following statements regarding this :

#50. Consider the following statements :
#51. N/A
#52. In the Pre-Mauryan period India was known as________
#53. N/A
#54. It was the result of Achaemenid conquest that a new industry of________developed in Indian borderland, specially in Kamboj.
#55. N/A
#56. Who from the following persons was not related to the State of Kolhapur ?
#57. N/A

#58. Who is described in the following sentences ?
#59. N/A

#60. Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer options.

#61. Arrange the following incidents in their chronological order.

#62. Who from the following women scholars were related to the Rigvedic Period ?

#63. In which of the following forms was India’s capital and wealth transferred to Britain ?
#64. Pick out the odd person from the following :
#65. The generals of _________conquered land upto Ganges, while his admirals established their authority over several overseas territories including Ceylon, Nicobar islands and parts of the Malaya Peninsula.
#66. N/A

#67. What are the evidences in favor of the Continental Drift Theory ? Select the proper option ?

#68. Examine the following statements and select the proper option.

#69. Examine and identify the correct statements of the following :
#70. N/A
#71. N/A

#72. Examine the statement A and statement B.
#73. N/A
#74. N/A
#75. N/A
#76. N/A
#77. N/A

#78. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the following options.

#79. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the following options.

#80. Observe the map and find the out the correct option of blowing winds.

#81. Study the following statements about Greenhouse gases effect.
#82. N/A

#83. The effects of aerosols on climate is/are
#84. Which of the following is the major cause of poor health in Indians ?
#85. The Earth Summit of 1992 at Rio de Janeiro resulted into a Convention on Biodiversity, which came into force in which of the following date ?
#86. To whom is the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2018 awarded for their contribution in sustainable and long term economic development ?
#87. N/A

#88. Prices of which of the following commodities are considered in Wholesale Price Index (WPI) ?
#89. Which of the following criteria was considered by P.D. Ojha Committee (1960-61) for calculating poverty line ?
#90. Which of the following are the indicators of the contribution of government in the process of Inclusive Growth ?

#91. In the context of planning era i.e. 1951 to 2011, take into consideration the following statements :
#92. Which of the following is a millennium development goal ?

#93. Which of the following factors are included in Gender Inequality Index (GII) ?

#94. Which of the following scheme/schemes is/are useful for socio-economic growth of minority communities ?

#95. In June 2012, according to Rio +20 declaration, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were decided. Which of the following features was/were not decided ?
#96. N/A
#97. The LPG model of development was introduced in 1991 by then Finance Minister

#98. Under the Eleventh Plan, some of the monitorable targets reflecting inclusiveness include
#99. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) for financial inclusion was launched on which date ?